Page 61 of Shattered Dreams

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It’s not a question, but Belle answers anyway. “By marriage.”

“You could’ve gone to him. Been handed a contract with very little stipulations.”

Again, not a question, but the implication is there.

“My dad always taught me that everything tastes sweeter when it’s earned. We don’t want to be handed an opportunity based on who is in our family. We want to earn it based on our talent. I think we’ve done that and will continue to do so.”

My girl. My Belle. She’s so strong and so damn smart. Sometimes I wonder if she really knows how amazing she is.

Isla smiles again. “Perfect. If there are no further questions, I’ll have our team send the contract to your lawyer.”

“You’re beautiful!” Cal blurts. Isla stares at him like she just noticed he was in the room with us.

“Thank you for your time, Isla. We look forward to working with you,” I say while shoving Cal out of the frame. She nods and ends the call.

“Smooth, buddy. Real smooth,” Mav says, chuckling at Cal.

“Did no one else see her?” he asks with complete sincerity. “I think I’m in love.”

“Well, I think you’re an idiot,” Belle says while laughing. “She looks like she’s probably old enough to be our mom.”

“She looks nothing like Mom,” Cal says with a dopey smile on his face.

“Ew. That’s disgusting.” Belle pretends to gag.

“Name one thing that happened in that meeting,” Willa challenges.

We all stare at Cal and wait for his answer.


“Exactly.” Willa rolls her eyes at Cal. “They’re sending the contract to Frank. We can go over it with him.”

“We need to finish packing and head to the airport soon,” Mav points out.

I look over in time to see all the color leave Belle’s face. I pull her into my lap quickly. “What is it? What’s wrong?” I ask her, trying to keep my voice calm. Her sudden change in mood has me panicked. I hold her tight and rub my fingers up and down her back.

“I’ve been so distracted with the shows and the traveling and —” Belle pulls back to look at me, her tears threatening to fall from her beautiful eyes. “And finally being with you that I haven’t thought about Brad.”

“He won’t touch you, Belle. I won’t let him.”

She looks at me and my heart breaks. She’s terrified. I want to kill him. Hurt him for hurting the woman I love. Stop him from hurting her or anyone else ever again.

“I’ve felt safe with an ocean separating me from him. Now we’re about to be in the same state again.”

If I could keep her at my side every minute of every dayfor the rest of time, I would. But she’s come so far from that battered girl in her brother’s kitchen. Her spark is back, and I don’t want him or anyone else to take that away from her. Me included.

“What can I do to make you feel safe?” I ask instead.

Belle snuggles into me, resting her head on my shoulder. “You’re the only place I feel safe.”

Fuck. She has a way of knocking me off my feet while simultaneously lifting me to heights I’ve never imagined. I hug her tightly to me and kiss the top of her head.

Having her in my arms, seeking me as a comfort, just solidifies what I already know to be true. I will do anything and everything I can to keep her safe.


