Page 71 of Shattered Dreams

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Willa hits him in the face with a black throw pillow and continues speaking like he isn’t even here. “I made a list of those that seem most reliable. The one at the top of the list was interesting.”

“Who was it?” I ask, not at all surprised that Willa has already done some research.

“Harrison Ray,” she says. The name sounds familiar, but I’m not sure why. I look over at Kai to see his eyebrows have shot up, and he looks completely shocked.

“Sheriff Ray?” he asks.

“Yeah. I called his office and his daughter answered. I guess he resigned after Ezra’s case. He felt it wasn’t handled well, and they took the power to keep the case open from him. She said she thinks he would be willing to work with us, but he’s currently away on a different case, and she doesn’t know when he’ll be back.”

“I remember him coming to our house to tell us that Ezra had been declared dead. He made it clear he didn’t agree, but at the time, I blamed him for not doing something about it,” Kai says, almost to himself. “He took a phone call while he was there. Whoever was on the other end was the one with the power.”

“How do you know that?” Mav asks, leaning forward and planting his elbows on his knees. Suddenly more interested in the conversation than when he arrived.

“I listened in. I was angry and thought I might overhear something that could be used as blackmail or something. I don’t know. I wasn’t in the right frame of mind. All I heard was him talking to someone he called ‘sir’ and arguing that the case was being closed too soon.”

“He seems like a good choice if we want to wait for him,” I say, looking between Kai and Mav and trying to figure out their moods. They both seem lost in their own thoughts.

“I’d like to start now,” Kai says eventually.

“I have a few other options,” Willa says, handing Kai her phone. I get closer to them to see the list she’s made with a ranking system next to each name.

“Willa,” Kai sighs, handing her phone back to her. “Please, just tell me what the next best option is, and I’ll give that person a call.”

“Fine,” Willa mumbles under her breath. “I just sent you her contact info. Her name is Kelly Boswell.”

“Thank you,” he says. “I’ll call her now.”

I watch as he walks away, looking for any sign of doubt in his movements. I see nothing but his normal confidence. His normal confidence and how great his ass looks in the gray sweats he’s wearing. It’s unfair how hot he looks in sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt. If I wore that same outfit, I would look like a sick rat.

I take the moment of silence to really examine Maverick. His brown hair is messy and sticking up everywhere. His honey eyes are dull and dark bags hang underneath them. Everyone has assured me that this is how he gets when they’re home, but I don’t know how much longer I can let it slide before I try to do something about it.

“Stop looking at me like that,” Mav huffs when he notices my stare.

“Like what?” I ask, not so innocently. He needs help, and I’m not about to pretend he doesn’t.

“Like I’m a project you can fix with some inspirational quotes and a hug,” he grumps before crossing his arms and leaning back on the couch.

“I’m just trying to figure out how you’re feeling about all this,” I tell him. “And honestly? I’m a little afraid to ask you. You look one minute away from a nervous breakdown.”

I hear Willa gasp quietly, and I can feel Cal’s stare on the side of my face. But Maverick just looks at me, silently. His face not giving a single emotion away. Hopefully thinkingabout what I said and not about to lose his mind and leave. I hate that they all walk on eggshells around him, but I also understand why they do. It’s just how they’ve coped all these years.

And yes, I’ve been removed from that, so maybe I don’t get it. Willa has reminded me of that in Kai’s case more than once. But I’m here now and maybe a fresh perspective is what they all need.

“Since you’re being honest with me, I’ll be honest with you,” Mav says with a quirk of his lips. Like maybe he wants to smile but can’t. “I’m fucking terrified.”

“Mav —” Cal starts softly, like he’s trying to calm a rabid dog. But Mav’s mood is even, and he holds up his hand to stop my brother from interfering.

“I will not go off the deep end from answering her question, Cal,” Mav says, effectively shutting Cal up, even though I can see in his eyes he still wants to argue.

I move from where I’ve been standing next to the fireplace and sit on the coffee table in front of Maverick so that we’re eye to eye. This feels like a conversation where I want him to know he has my undivided attention.

“I’m terrified we’re going to find out he’s dead. I’m terrified we’re going to find out he’s alive and chose to leave us all. I’m terrified that he’s out there somewhere with no memories of us. I’m terrified he misses us and can’t come back,” Mav looks me in my eyes as he explains, tears forming and slowly falling. “No matter what happens, it’s going to fucking hurt, and I’m so damn sick of hurting, Belle.”

Hot tears prickle at the back of my eyes as I lean in to pull Maverick into a hug. “Does it hurt less not knowing?”

“I don’t know,” he whispers, voice cracking.

Arms wrap around us tightly from both sides. I don’t have to look to know it’s Cal and Willa. They’re silently letting Mav know they’re here for him, no matter what. That quiet support seems to be exactly what he needed. His stiff shoulders fall, and he leans his head on Cal’s.
