Page 85 of Shattered Dreams

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Yeah, I get it. I was trying to forget about that.


Keep us updated on your man.


Will do.

“Mo chridhe?”

My head jolts up from my phone at the gravelly sound of Kai’s voice. His bright blue eyes connect with mine and it takes everything I have not to throw myself at him in relief.

“You’re awake,” I sob, grabbing his hand and gently kissing his knuckles like I have been all night.

“What happened?” he asks. “My throat feels like I drank sand.”

I jump up from the chair and rush to get him some water. He quickly sucks down the first cup, and I refill it for him before talking.

“You were in an accident. Do you remember anything?”

Kai frowns as he concentrates. His brows jump into his hairline suddenly. “Mav! Is he ok? He was in the car with me.”

“He’s fine. Just a concussion and somebruised ribs. He’s actually about to head home with Cal and Willa,” I reassure him. Kai lets out a breath and relaxes into the bed.

“Someone crashed into me from a side street. I didn’t even see the car until it was too late.”

“There was an officer here when we arrived yesterday. He said the other driver took off. They’re trying to find witnesses or camera footage to track down who it was.” I can’t keep my eyes or my hands off him. I know he’s too hurt, but all I want to do is crawl in bed next to him and hear the beat of his heart with my own ears.

Kai nods and his eyes slowly start to close again. I leave him long enough to let the nurses know he had been awake and talking for a few minutes before I’m right back in my spot by his side.


He woke up. He remembers the accident but didn’t see the car or the driver. He’s asleep again for now. The nurse said a doctor will be by to check on him soon.


Told you he would wake up!


That’s the best news I’ve had since they told me I could leave!


Does he remember you? Do you have to remind him who you are and why he loves you? Oh! I can make a slideshow of pictures of the two of you to help jog his memory.

“Jesus Christ, Callahan,” I mutter to myself.


She just said he remembers the accident. Why would he remember that but not her?


How should I know? I’m not a brain doctor.

