Page 89 of Shattered Dreams

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But I can give you this. Whatever happened, it wasn’t an accident.

“What the fuck?” I mutter.

“What’s wrong?” Cal asks, trying to read my messages over my shoulder.

“The PI just quit. She wants nothing to do with this case and wouldn’t give me an explanation.”

I don’t even have time to process that before I notice the look on Willa’s face as she reads something on her phone.

“What now?” I ask her.


“Willa,” I urge, not in the mood for more games.

Instead of answering, she just hands me her phone. I quickly scan the headline and barely resist the urge to throw the phone against the wall.

“Playboy Rockstar Plays with Heartstrings,” Belle reads off the title next to me. “Who comes up with these titles?”

I continue reading as she mutters about morons wanting their fifteen minutes.

“The article is claiming that I cheated on Lindsey Sparks with Belle and then cheated on Belle with Lindsey and several other women in Lindsey’s circle,” I scoff. “I knew Lindsey was jealous, but this is insane.”

“I told you sleeping with that she-demon was a bad idea,” Willa says.

“You’re not helping,” I tell her with a glare. “I need to get Frank on this. This is false. I’m sure there’s a lawsuit that can be threatened somewhere.”

“Have you noticed that the tabloids are only coming after the two of us?” Belle asks, her brows drawn together asshe concentrates on reading the bullshit article. “Cal sticks his dick into anything with boobs and not once has an article been printed about it.”

“Hey! I have standards!” Cal argues.

“Sorry. Anything with boobs and a nice ass,” Belle corrects, not bothering to stop reading.

“Thank you,” Cal says, missing the entire point as usual.

“Do you think someone is doing this as an attack against you guys? Like a jealous groupie?” Mav asks.

“There are quotes in here from Lindsey,” Belle says, looking up at me with concern.

“I never cheated on you. I would never do that, I swear,” I say, grabbing her face and forcing her to look at me.

“I know that. I don’t believe this at all. I just find it strange that someone is able to go around and get people in our circle to give interviews with their names attached. Whoever it is must be offering enough money to make it worth burning bridges for.”

“Brad?” Willa asks.

“Maybe. His mom has a lot of money. He doesn’t personally, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t funding this for him.”

“What’s the end goal, though? Annoy you into going back to him?” I joke.

“He’s probably trying to put a wedge between you,” Mav says. “Every article is an attack against your relationship. He probably thinks it’s new enough that it’ll be easy to break.”

“Did you tell him that you’ve been in love with Kai since you were kids?” Willa asks Belle. Even though this situation is serious, I smile, knowing she’s loved me as long as I’ve loved her.

“No. Brad was always insecure. Mentioning Kai would’ve just led to a fight.”

“It makes sense that he thinks he can break them up this way. We should have Frank’s team look into it,” Mav says.

“I’m going to call Harrison Ray’s office again and see when he can start helping us. Whoever is intimidating Kelly won’t be able to do the same with him,” Willa says, taking her phone from me and walking off to make her call.
