Page 90 of Shattered Dreams

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“Call Frank and then we’re heading home to sleep for the rest of the day,” Belle says with a small smile.

“I feel like we can’t catch a goddamn break lately. I’m taking one hit after another, sometimes literally.”

“And we’ll come out swinging,” Belle says, kissing me quickly and following Willa.

I fucking love that girl. She’s the strongest person I know, and I have a bad feeling I’m going to need to borrow some of that strength soon.



“Right there. Just like that,”I moan. The physical therapist gave Kai the all-clear for normal activity yesterday. It’s been six long weeks of him complaining about always being on the bottom. Needless to say, he’s been on top and behind me pretty much nonstop for the last twenty-four hours.

My knees are by my ears and Kai is pounding into me like he might die if he stops.

“Jesus, baby. You feel so fucking good,” he grunts before pressing his thumb to my clit. “Fuck. Come with me, Belle. Squeeze my cock, baby.”

His dirty mouth is all it takes to have me screaming his name. Stars dance behind my vision, and I wouldn’t be shocked to learn I’d blacked out for a moment. Kai is growling my name with his release and pulling me into his arms.

“I’ll never get sick of that,” he says, kissing my damp temple. I giggle into his chest. Kai has a way of making me feel light even when things are heavy.

“What are your plans for today?” he asks as he pulls me closer.

“Well, a shower first,” I say, gesturing to our sweat slicked bodies. “Then Willa and I are supposed to go shopping.”

It’s officially summer and I need cooler clothes. Cal restocked my winter wardrobe when I first showed up, but I still need things to get me through the summer. Willa offered to take me to the mall with her. Kai and Cal are still worried about Brad even though no one could prove he was behind the articles. He’s still missing though, so I let them hover.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Kai asks warily. He’s not as bad as Cal is with the overprotectiveness, but he definitely prefers if I take one of the men with me.

“I’ll be fine. We’re just going to the boutique in town. Willa wanted to attempt the mall, but I didn’t want to deal with the fan recognition when I’m trying on clothes.” I’ve been getting recognized when we go out in public. It’s still strange to me. It’s both flattering and overwhelming.

“I can go with you.”

I kiss him and climb out of bed to head into the shower. “I already agreed to security details when we move. I don’t need it here, and I promised to stick with you guys until Brad is handled. Please don’t smother me.”

“I’m sorry. It’s just. . . If anything happened to you—” he stops, swallowing hard.

“I understand. You almost died on me. I promise I’ll be safe. Shopping, lunch, then home.”

Kai sighs, knowing there’s no point in arguing.Especially since I’ve never fought him on someone always being with me.

We both shower and go our separate ways. Kai is heading to the gym with Maverick, and I’m off on adventures with Willa.

“Have you heard from Cal today?” I ask her while she drives us into town.

“Not yet. Why? He’s not stalking us while we shop, is he?”

I snort before shaking my head. Cal would just be shopping along with us. The man loves to spend his money. “No. But I need to talk to him, and it might help if you were with me.”

She glances over at me with a question on her face and then looks down at my stomach. It takes me a second to realize what she’s asking.

“I’m not pregnant!” I shout, shocked but not surprised that’s where her brain went.

“Well, why the hell else would you need me as a buffer?” she asks defensively.

“Because he’s looking for houses and keeps asking if I like the layout of the houses because he wants me to like living there,” I say, biting my lip nervously. “Kai and I have talked about it, and when we move, I’m going to be buying a house with him. Not living with my brother.”

“Ah. Your brother who is not going to take it well because he pretends he loves being single, but actually hates being alone?”
