Page 94 of Shattered Dreams

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“What job?”

“My job! Aren’t you listening? The only way to keep my job is to keep you. So we’ll be getting married and having kids. As much as it disgusts me to have you as the mother of my children, I need to keep up appearances and pass down the family name.”

All I can manage is blinking as I digest that bit of information.

“Your job at your mother’s company?” I ask once my brain starts working again.

“I don’t work there,” he laughs. “Man, you really are stupid.”

“Sorry for believing you worked where you told me you did,” I mutter, more to myself than him.

“My boss doesn’t like you snooping around where you shouldn’t. He always knew you would be trouble, Belle. You brought this all on yourself.”

His boss.


As the words sink in, I realize something. “Our entire relationship was just you doing your job and keeping me away from my family and friends.”

It wasn’t a question, but Brad answers anyway. “That’s what I just fucking said!”

“Who is your boss and what does he have to do with Ezra?” Because that’s what all this is about. That’s the only thing we’ve been digging into. With the PI quitting and her reasons behind it, it just makes sense.

Brad throws his head back and laughs. “Like I’m going to tell you any of that. It would get me killed.”

I’m about to offer to go with him willingly if he tells me the truth, but then I hear the engine of a motorcycle and then distant sirens a few seconds later. I snap my mouth shut and look at Brad. His eyes are wide with panic that quickly morph to anger as he looks at me.

“Who did you tell? How are you this fucking stupid?” He screams. He tries to grab my arm, but I back up quickly and manage to get away from his reach.

I know it’s Kai. The note and the flowers were still in the kitchen. He’s only been on his Harley once since the snow melted, but it’s sitting in the garage. That’s his bike, and my guess is that the sirens are the backup he called.

“He was never going to let you take me, Brad.” I say softly, trying to keep my voice calm.

“Let me? Let me! No oneletsme do anything. I’m the one in charge here! I’m the puppet master!” I watch as he becomes increasingly unhinged. I can see it in his eyes.

“Really? Because it seems like you didn’t even get a choice of who you marry or have kids with. Maybe it’s time to choose yourself and out whoever is doing this to you.” I figured trying to reason with him was worth a shot. I can see him think it over for a brief moment before he’s snarling like a caged animal.

“No. No! You’re trying to trick me. It won’t work!” Spit is flying from his mouth again and there’s foam forming on the corners of his lips.

“I leave the tricks to you!” I yell, realizing the motorcycle is now pulling onto the gravel. Brad must realize it toobecause he lunges for me again. I’m not fast enough to dodge him this time, and he grips my arm.

I scream, knowing it’ll alert Kai to exactly where I am, but also cause Brad to go into a rage. But if he’s raging, he isn’t dragging me somewhere else, and that buys me some time.

“Shut the fuck up!” Brad screams and, as predicted, takes a swing at my face. The pain flares across my cheek immediately. Blood gushes from my nose, staining the new lacy yellow tank I just bought.

Old Belle would cower. Old Belle would beg for forgiveness.

Not new Belle. New Belle is fucking pissed and tired of the abuse.

I swing my face back so that my eyes meet Brad’s. I know the moment he sees the change because the smugness in his eyes falters. For the first time, he truly seems surprised.

I shove him as forcefully as I can. Between the shock and the broken floorboards behind him, he stumbles and falls.

Laughter explodes from me, like the weight and trauma are leaving my body.

“You will never put your slimy hands on me again!” I shout.

Kai bursts through the front door. The panic on his face breaks my heart.

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