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‘I’m not going to argue the point. You’re a beautiful woman. Full stop.’


Later, when we drove back to Sunnybrook, I was clutching a cuddly pink rabbit that Kurt had won for me at the rifle range and feeling happy in spite of my clash with the obnoxious Mags.

We drove past Kurt’s own house and I realised he was dropping me back at my place, and at once, I felt unsure.

Should I invite him in for coffee?

But what if he took that to mean somethingotherthan a hot drink with the option of milk and/or sugar?

If he were to come up to the flat, I knew what might happen. And an excited little thrill shivered through me at the very thought...

But next moment, I was thrown into panic of a completely different kind.

A dark four by four was haring along the narrow lane leading from the café. It turned at the corner without stopping and roared towards us, its lights on full beam. Gasping, I gripped the seat as Kurt took evasive action, glancing at the pavement to see it was clear before mounting the kerb. Just in time, too. The car zoomed past us, narrowly missing taking Kurt’s wing mirror with it, and I caught a glimpse of the driver. Apparently totally oblivious of us, he was staring furiously ahead.

My heart plummeted into my stomach.

I would recognise that angry look anywhere.

It was Nash.


‘Oh my God, itwashim in the garden last night,’ I whispered, my hands flying to my face. ‘I knew it! Somehow, he’s found out where I’m living now.’

‘Who?’ demanded Kurt, turning with a concerned frown. ‘Who’s “he”?’

I took a big breath and blew it out very slowly. ‘My ex. The man in that car that almost collided with us. He... he’s been trying to track me down.’

‘But you don’t want him to find you?’

‘Definitely not. Far too many bad memories.’ I forced a smile that I really wasn’t feeling.

What the hell was I going to do now? He’d found out where I was living – which meant I could no doubt expect another visit from him very soon.

Kurt was studying me intently. ‘He’s not a danger, is he? Your ex? I mean, you don’t think he would hurt you? Because if you’re worried at all, I can easily stay over.’

I hesitated for just a second, part of me wanting to accept his offer immediately and drag him inside, but a bigger part of me was trying desperately to think calmly and rationally. I’d got myself into this situation. I would have to get myself out of it. Kurt obviously couldn’t move in permanently, just in case Nash were to turn up at my door!

So I shook my head. ‘Thank you. But there’s no need. I’ll be fine.’

‘Are you sure?’ Kurt looked as uncertain about this as I was feeling.

I shrugged. ‘Having realised I was out, Nash isn’t likely to come back tonight.’ I smiled, trying to make light of the situation. ‘So I think I can probably sleep easily in my bed, knowing I won’t have a bitter and vengeful ex-boyfriend banging on my door.’

‘Right.’ Kurt looked thoughtful. Then he sat back in his seat with a frown and stared straight ahead. ‘Hang on a sec. Did you sayNash?’

‘Yes. Why?’

He groaned. ‘This wouldn’t be Nash Hardman of Hardman Homes, would it?’

I nodded, staring at him. ‘You know him?’

He heaved a sigh. ‘I know him,’ he said flatly. ‘Just yesterday, I signed a contract to put kitchens into his new properties.’

‘Really?’ The coincidence of this seemed incredible. When Kurt had that meeting in Guildford, it was withNash? They were working together? I looked curiously at Kurt. He looked devastated. ‘I really don’t see why that should be a problem, though,’ I said slowly. ‘Why are you looking so grim?’
