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‘Because...’ He turned, blowing out his breath. ‘Because I told him where you were living, Rori.’ He shrugged helplessly.

I stared at him in horror, feeling suddenly icy cold. ‘You didwhat?’

‘I’m so sorry. I’d no idea he was your ex or that there was any bad blood between you.’

He looked guilty and totally crestfallen. But all I could think was that the person I’d been feeling safe with... the person I was probably in the process offallingfor and even shared a kiss with tonight... well, wouldn’t you know it?Hewas the one who’d told Nash where to find me.

I gave a bitter laugh. It was Sod’s Law, really. I’d finally started to feel as if I might be able to move on in my life. But the first man I’d put my trust in had made me feel more insecure than ever. It would have been funny if I didn’t feel like crying.

A surge of emotion rose up inside and I grabbed at the handle, trying to wrench the door open.

‘Rori, I’m sorry. Don’t go,’ Kurt pleaded. ‘Let me explain. I want to help you.’

‘You can’t help me,’ I muttered. ‘No one can. I’m completely on my own in this.’

I got the door open at last and scrambled out. Ignoring Kurt’s anxious shouts behind me, I started to run along the road to theflat. After a few seconds, I heard him behind, chasing after me. But I managed to get inside the outer door, just as he reached me, panting.

‘I’m fine,’ I told him firmly. ‘I’ll call you.’

And I turned and ran up the stairs to the flat.

I’m completely on my own in this.That’s what I’d told Kurt.

And that’s exactly how it felt . . .


Upstairs, I locked and bolted the door. Then I went straight to the kitchen, took the bottle of Irish Cream liqueur out of the cupboard, poured myself a large glass and drank it straight down. I felt a bit sick because it brought back memories of my hang-over. But at least, I thought, it might calm my nerves.

Because how the hell was I going to get to sleep tonight?

My head was whirling with scary thoughts. What if Nashdidcome back tonight? What if I refused to let him in but he battered the door down and gained entry anyway? I knew I was letting my imagination run away with me. But it was night and it was pitch dark outside.

And I was really scared.

And then, just as I was reaching for the remote and preparing for a long, sleepless night with just the TV for company, a buzzing sound pierced the silence.

My heart leapt with shock and the blood roared in my ears.

I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my body, preparing me for a fight with Nash.

Calm down, calm down, I told myself.The street level door has a security entrance. I just won’t let him in and he’ll go away again.

Then I heard footsteps on the stairs.

He was coming up! But how . . .?

And then I realised. When I’d fled from Kurt’s car, I was in such a state, I hadn’t made sure the door clicked shut behind me.

As I sat there, frozen to the spot on the sofa, staring into the hallway, I heard the footsteps pause for a few seconds at the single turn in the staircase and then begin again. They were plodding upwards, getting closer every second.

A sharp rap on the door echoed in the silence, but still I sat there, as the knock came for a second and a third time.

And then a voice yelled, ‘For heaven’s sake, Squidge, I’m freezing my tits off out here. Let me in before I collapse with hypothermia on your doormat.’



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