Page 89 of Crowns of Ice

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I swung my magic out, but dozens of fearsome creatures, gods and goddesses, and hundreds of soldiers stared back at me. I didn’t know what was real and what was imaginary.

“My prince, behind you!” Sandus called.

My death affinity shot out of me as I swung toward the threat, but a young girl stood there. Wide blue eyes. Black hair. A wingless back. It was a child of Ilara’s coloring. My child.My daughter.

For a moment, I couldn’t move. I gazed at the girl that could one day be mine.

“Nori!” Ryder knocked me to the side, and the sound of a sword cutting through the air whistled past my ear.

My guard grunted, and a sickening sense of dread hit me. He’d been struck.

“Ryder?” I strengthened my air Shield to cover us more and tried to dispel the hallucinations, but when I opened my eyes, the morphing figures remained.

“Where is he?” I roared, not trusting myself to fight anyone in case I accidentally killed my guards or Ilara.

More grunts and yells sounded. My guards swung and thrashed as the gods, goddesses, dragons, and beheaded children came at us alongside the castle guard.

My guards’ movements blurred. They took down soldiers, gods, and children alike while my mindcontinued to play tricks on me while dizziness made me sway.

Ilara screamed, and my head whipped in her direction.Gods no, don’t let that be real.

Castle guards surrounded my mate. Ilara was fighting magnificently, her warrior affinity humming around her as she moved with liquid grace toward me, no longer burrowed under her protective Shield as she fought her way to my side.

But there were so many guards. So many had surrounded her. She cut them down. Quickly. Efficiently. A warrior queen in action, but for each guard that fell, another took their place.

“Ilara?” I called questioningly.

Burning determination hummed through our bond.

Fuck.What I was seeing was real.

I shook my head, trying to clear my vision. I pushed toward her, all while knowing that King Novakin was too cunning, too clever for us to beat him. Every time I thought perhaps I’d get a hand above him, he always had another trick up his sleeve, just waiting for me.

This battle was no exception. He’d planned for this. He’d probably orchestrated this winters ago just in case I ever tried to seize his throne. He’d always known this day would come, and he’d prepared for it just as I’d always feared he would.

A burst of pain from Ilara erupted toward me on our bond.

My heart stopped.

Ilara fell to the ground, and a guard raised a sword over her head.

“Kill her!” my father called from atop the wall.

“NO!” Rage clouded my vision.

Vengeance sang through my blood.

My dragon affinity tore through me, and in a shockwave of power that ripped through the realm, I shifted faster than the speed of sound.

Guards flew back.

Wind sailed through the yard.

My dragon unleashed.

Fire blazed out of my mouth, incinerating everything in my path.

I swung around. Ilara stood before me, begging and pleading me not to kill her.
