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Chapter One


“And don’t forget to ask them about the soil conditions and potential recent changes in the zoning regulations, Hannah.”

“Of course, Mister Dickinson,” I tell my boss in a friendly voice, even though I’m more than capable of doing my job without his tips on what to ask the realtor.“I’ll make sure to get all the information you need to make a decision.”

I end the call and sigh.My boss is a big control freak and never trusts anyone to do as good a job as he does.His motto is “Everything I do myself is done better, but I can’t do everything myself.”My best friend thinks I’m nuts for staying at the company, but it’s not like I have other jobs lined up to pick from or a big savings account to fall back on.

I like getting out of the office to travel to potential new plots and meet new people, so it’s not all bad.Besides, I have prospects.I’ve given myself a year to find another job that pays equally as well.My boss might not be the easiest guy to work with, but he offers all his employees a great benefits package.

I lean against my car and look at the huge plot of land my boss wants to acquire.Mountain Majesty Resorts has been building luxury lodges for over twenty years now.Mister Dickinson has the skills and expertise to find towns that don’t have luxury lodging opportunities yet but have lots of potential for tourism, like Bearclaw Ridge.The town already has a company that offers adventure tours, a bustling center with cute mom-and-pop shops, a themed diner, a bar, and the dramatic backdrop of the Rocky Mountain.One thing they don’t have yet is an upscale place for tourists to stay.Sure, the local inn has rooms available, but the place isn’t exactly thrilling.

Mountain Majesty Resorts has already made millions upon millions over the past decades, but they’re not ready to stop there.They want to keep growing and expanding.It’s why I fly out to quaint small towns all over the country to inspect the plots Mister Dickinson handpicks.I must’ve seen hundreds of them already.All have their unique selling points and qualities, as well as obvious and not-so-obvious downsides.I often come across plots that look and sound great on paper but are horrible in real life.This one looks as amazing as they described it, though.Out of the hundreds of plots I inspect yearly, we only buy about one or two.This one might be a winner.

I straighten my back and wipe a speck of dust off my pants when I hear a car arrive.The realtor is right on time.She walks over to me with a big smile, although I can tell she’s exhausted.

“I’m Maddie.We spoke on the phone,” she says while shaking my hand.

“I’m Hannah.Thanks for meeting me on such short notice.”

She hands me a beautifully printed brochure with all the details about the plot and some pictures.I follow her to the edge of the land while she explains everything to me and answers my questions.

The air is crisp, and I zip up my jacket, enjoying the silence this spot has to offer.The mountains surrounding us are nothing short of breathtaking.Hundreds of pines stand tall against the blue sky.

“Quite the view, huh?”Maddie says, following my gaze.“Imagine your guests waking up to this in the morning.”

I take a moment to picture it.The lodge nestled against the magical backdrop, welcoming guests to a world of tranquility, luxury, and a dash of adventure.As we explore the plot further, I can’t help acknowledging the possibilities this plot of land has to offer.This piece of land could be the place for the next masterpiece in the Mountain Majesty Resorts portfolio, but I have to go over all the numbers and details again before I can tell Mister Dickinson.

“So?What’s the verdict?”Maddie asks at the end of our tour.

“I see the potential, but my boss will have the final say.I do have a good feeling about it.”

“That’s fantastic,” she replies, her eyes lighting up with a smile.

As we walk back to the car, I ask her about local activities I can check out while I’m here.My flight doesn’t leave for a few days, and I’d hate to spend all this time alone in a hotel room.

“There’s this charity auction tomorrow at the Grizzle Grove, the local bar.They’re auctioning off dates with some of the town’s eligible bachelors and bachelorettes.”She blushes.“I might even sign up myself.As a single mom, it’s not easy to find a date.Most men don’t want to get involved with someone with a kid.”

“You’re a single mom?”

She nods.“It’s hard, but I make it work.”

“I’m sure you’re doing an amazing job juggling it all,” I tell her.

“Thanks, Hannah.So, what do you think about the auction?If you decide to show up, you’ll know at least one friendly face there.Me.”

I smile at her while I think about her offer.What harm can it do to sign up?I’m single, after all, and I have the time.“You know what?I’ll come.It sounds like a fun way to support the local community.I’m always up for a good cause, especially if it involves hot guys.”

Maddie laughs.“Well, it’s a date then.See you there.And don’t forget to call or email if you need any additional information about the plot of land.”

“Will do, thanks, Maddie.”

I get in my car and drive to the bar she mentioned instead of returning to the inn.I’m sure they serve food there, and I’m starving already, even though it’s only six.It must be the fresh mountain air that’s stirring up my appetite.

I step inside The Grizzly Grove and immediately dig the interior design.It’s a cool mixture of chic and rustic, with the main bar made out of rugged timber and reclaimed wood panels lining the walls.Hip Edison bulbs hang suspended from thick ropes, casting a warm glow over the weathered wooden tables and leather booths.

I slip onto a stool at the bar and motion toward the bartender.
