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I smile at him.“That’s so sweet, but I ate too many fries at Hiker’s Haven already.I don’t think I have room for a dessert.”

“Please, you’ll love it.”

He gives me a panicky look.What the hell is going on?Why is he so adamant about me eating a slice of cake?

“Okay,” I say in a hesitant tone.“I guess.”

“We can share,” Grizz quickly adds.

Sloane lets out a sigh that sounds suspiciously like relief.“Great.I’ll ask Benson for a piece of red velvet cake.”

“How is your brother, by the way?”I ask.

“He’s fine,” Sloane says, already heading for the kitchen.

I arch an eyebrow.“What’s up with Sloane?She usually loves chatting to us.”

“Oh, don’t worry.She’s just excited to get us the cake.”

I laugh.“No one is that eager to serve a slice of cake, Grizz.Something’s up.”

“Why don’t we focus on something else?Our renovations, for instance?”

“Sure.We still haven’t decided which tiles we’ll use for the kitchen.”

After Grizz and I became a couple, I flew back home, quit my job, and moved to Bearclaw Ridge.I’ve loved every second of living in this super cute town.The people are all so friendly, and the atmosphere is always relaxed.Honestly, it might be one of the best places in the world to live, but I could be biased.

We’re now renovating a house while I study to become a nurse.My parents hate that I made that decision, but I’m happy.I’ve finally found something I’m passionate about.Grizz supports me all the way.I love him so much, it’s unreal.Before meeting him, I didn’t even know if that was possible, but I can assure anyone who wants to know that, yes, you can love someone so much that your heart seems to spill over.

I’m still so grateful to Maddie for telling me about the auction.If she hadn’t, I never would’ve spent time with Grizz.He worked hard to find the ten thousand dollars he bid on me and raised half of the money through an online crowdfunding campaign.He funded the rest himself.

“Oh, look, our cake is here.”

Grizz points to Sloane, who’s walking toward us with a plate, a big smile plastered on her face.Why are they both acting so nervous?It’s just cake.

“Enjoy, lovebirds,” Sloane says.


I grab a fork, ready to dive in.I know I said I was full, but this slice looks delectable.

“Wait,” Grizz shouts, grabbing the fork from my hand.“Before you dig in, I, um, want you to know I love you.”

“Okay.I love you too,” I say.

He uses the fork to cut off a piece, and that’s when I see it.Something sparkles inside.

“What the hell is this?”I ask.

“I don’t know.Why don’t you pull it out.”

“You want me to pull something out of a slice of cake with my hands?”

He grins.“Just do it.”

I dig into the cake and pull out a diamond ring.Oh, my God.I look at Grizz, but he’s slid off his chair and is now kneeling on one knee in front of me.

“Hannah, I love you.I want to spend the rest of my life with you.I thought long and hard about how to propose and came to the conclusion that The Grizzly Grove was the perfect setting.This bar holds a special place in our hearts.It’s where we met, where I bid on you, and now, where I’m asking you this… Will you marry me?”
