Page 74 of Toxic

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“You didn’t kill me,” she asserts so boldly I have to correct her.

“I came to the States with that exact intention. I slept under your bed for a week waiting until you slept. I was going to fuck you to death. Choke the fuck out of you while you came on my dick,” I growl, stalking to her until her back is pressed against the window.

‘Y-you didn’t.” I feel her breath against my neck we are so close. I’m looking out to the harbor, gritting my teeth remember how fucking weak I felt and for the first time glad I couldn’t bring myself to murder the woman I thought betrayed me because she keeps so steadfast in her declaration she didn’t betray me so heinously.

“No. I didn’t but you are different,” I say, finally dipping my head down to look into those luminous eyes of hers. Captivated Ican’t look away, not even for a second. I find myself not wanting to. I want to drown in them.

“How?” she asks. I think it’s quite adorable that she doesn’t know. “I will burn this whole fucking world down for you, little dove. I would pierce my heart with my Katana just as my father did for his dishonor before I would allow harm to come to you by my hand. No one garners that type of affection from me. Not Kana, not Kiyoshi. Only you.” She watches me then shifts a little. I — not my monster like that. I drag her ass back. “Do you understand what that means?”

Her hand rises. For a moment I think she’s going to try to push me away. Instead her hand covers my chest her petite fingers just reaching my heart. “Y-yes. I think so.”

“Hai,” I say, letting the gruffness of emotion fill my voice.

Quiet surrounds us as we go out on the balcony and look to the night sky.

“It’s so pretty here,” she muses. I’m noncommittal not because I want to be contrary only that even in all its natural beauty nothing compares to her.

She looks beautifully tied.The kinbaku knots were her suggestion this time. I’m sitting in the chair beside the bed in the early morning of our third day there watching her supine form twist within the binds. She looks as if she’s been encased in a spider’s web. From the pose it looks as if I’ve denied myself access to her body but that would be a novice move. Strategically placed I’ve left her pussy exposed beautifully. The ropes scissor across her breasts leaving her distended nipples exposed.

The white jute gleams against her brown skin. Her curves are lifted and confined in a way that accentuates all of hermost delicate bits. She’s my masterpiece. My design. Every time I tie her up, restraining her my dick gets painfully hard. It’s like a reward for all the years I waited and watched over her without her being aware. Now she’s paying the penance for our separation the most delightful way, not as punishment though that could be my due if I so decide, but the draw back to the pleasure she know only I can deal out in the measure she so desires.

“How are we doing, little dove?’ I ask nonchalantly, looking over the screen of my laptop watching her writhe. I haven’t touched her yet the anticipation building in such a delightful way.

“I need to come.” Her voice is thready with need.

I allow a cruel smile to kick the corners of my mouth. “Not yet, love.” Turning back to the computer I smile when I see her bite her lip arching against the restraints knowing my naughty girl is pressing her clit against the rope but it’s not enough to make her come. “I like your determination.” Glancing up from the screen I notice how she struggles not to berate me. So clever she knows by now that will get her nowhere.

I’m patient. Ten years of longing, watching, waiting. So many nights of fucking my fists thinking about her pretty ass pussy and how well she sucks me in.

She squirms. Inhaling the fragrance of vanilla, rose, and her natural musk a growl rises in my throat.

“Please, Hisashi, Please I need you.” Snapping the laptop snaps closed, I rise sitting it on the table. I’m between her legs and her fat puffy lips press against the rope. They are squeezed so tightly they protrude slickly wet and glossy.

Just as I bend my phone vibrates. I press my finger to my mouth hushing her. Without looking I answer. There are only two people with this number. And It’s not Kana.

“Hai?” Answering the phone, I wait surprised to hear noise in the background. Has Kiyoshi returned to work? He’s probably wondering where I am.

“Takeda.” The heavy baritone of Angel Cruz fills the line. I know he could have only gotten my number from one person so I know this is serious. We use his trucking and logistics company to ferry our product throughout the country. All of this has been disrupted by the strike and the slowed production.

“Mr. Cruz.” Putting him on speaker I give her a hard silencing look and bend to my task. Running my mouth between the seam of her pussy lips, I keep my eyes on her watching her thrash and swallow back a moan.

She’s being such a good girl. Taking her hard little nub I work her viciously between my lips. I lap the delicious essence seeping from her as he gives me detailed information about how he plans on helping us and the little chef re-establish business in Shelby-Love.

“Sounds good,” I say against her hot glistening flesh. “Send my assistant the details.” I’m already depressing the button returning to my task.

My dick is throbbing. I hadn’t bothered disrobing because I expected to exert more fortitude while teasing my little dove.

“You make me give face one too many times, wife,” I chide, rising and placing a slight but steady smack on her pussy. She arches and shies away from my touch but I’m undeterred. Soon the wet sounds of her punishment resound in the breezy room in Australia.

Her cries of pleasure make my heart burst with pride and I bring forth an orgasm with my steady attention. “See, when you’re bad she has to suffer? Such a good pretty girl being spanked because of you. Should I let her come?”

“Please,” she pants.

“Such a needy little thing aren’t you?” Grinning I expose her clit to the air. Bending my head I flick, lick, and spear deep until I find enough purchase to suck her. My dick kicks as my name breaks apart on her tongue.

Her girl come floods my mouth. I close my eyes as the ambrosia spills across my tongue coming closer than I have ever to embarrassing myself.

Pulling up I take out my knife. Her bindings don’t serve the purpose I have for her at the moment.

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