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Two and a half years ago

I stare up at the Shield’s Insurance building and try not to shudder. It’s taken a lot of courage and, dare I say it, biting my tongue, to get to this point. I’ve always hated coming here. I’m almost unable to set foot inside the intimidating building, as it’s always freaked me out. All it needs are gargoyles on the top and pit of hell in the lobby and welcome to my nightmare.

My father is a wealthy man, and when my mom finally left him after his cheating ways, he made sure we had to struggle for every penny. I suppose we should have been grateful for the fact Mom got child support without having to take him to court, but trust me, his lawyers let him get away with the bare minimum. I still have student loans he refuses to help me with, all because he believes I need to learn a valuable lesson about how to manage my finances.

I’ve never expected a free ride. Nothing in my life has ever just been given to me, but to watch your own child struggle and work three jobs? All because I don’t want to come and work for him and his stupid company? It sickens me.

But today has to be done.

I need to beg, borrow, or steal to get this money.

I bite my lip as I finally make it through the doors and toward the expansive lobby.

Walking right up to the receptionist at the desk, I say, “Mr. Shields’s office, please.”

She looks up at me with a curt smile. “Do you have an appointment?”

I sigh. Not that I’d expect her to recognize me, as I’ve only been up to his office a handful of times in the past, but that was ages ago. “No, but…”

She gives me another one of her tight smiles. Clearly, customer service isn’t her strong point, and neither is my patience. I’ve always been told I’m feisty, and while that may be true, there is no reason for bad manners. “Everyone has to have an appointment, Miss…”



“Luna Shields. I’m his daughter.”

She blinks in rapid succession, and I think she’s wondering how much pull I have with my father and if she’ll get fired for this. Lucky for her, I’m only a bitch when I really need to be. Today isn’t that day. I’m tired. Cranky. And I need to get cash, quickly.

When I think about my credit card bill that I can’t pay and how irresponsible I’ve been at certain times of my life, I start to think that maybe my father was right. I know how to manage my funds; hell, I majored in business management and have that unfinished degree in accounting. But I didn’t plan for this. The reason why I’m here and why I need this money…

I’ll pay my dad back. I don’t expect money for free, but I know with my father there will be conditions with stringsattached, and consequences if I don’t deliver. There always is. But I have to surge on. I’ve made it this far…right?

What’s a few more steps?

She looks down the length of my body as if there’s something wrong with me. I even wore my best pair of dress pants with a blouse and a short bolero-style jacket. It’s the nicest outfit I own. I’m a curvy girl, and I think I look great.

I can’t afford designer clothes, but it’s not like I’m dressed like a homeless person.

Her nose twitches and she plasters that smile back on her face. “Certainly, Miss Shields. Let me get you a day pass.”

I’m about to tell her I only need a fifteen-minute pass, but I keep my mouth closed.

I give her the same fake smile back, and she taps away on her keyboard and then hands me the fob.

“Thank you,” I say, taking it from her.

“You’re welcome.”

I scan myself through security and then make my way to the elevators.

It takes forever to get to his floor. When the elevator finally stops, I introduce myself to another receptionist who also doesn’t know who I am. I did text my father to see if it was okay if I came by, yet nobody seems to know I’m coming.

My father has his day tightly mapped out, it’s how he’s so successful.
