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I crack my neck. “How long has this been goin’ on?”

His lips part, and if he’s thinking about hurling abuse at me, he quickly changes his mind.

“Razor approached me. I had control of finances at the bank I worked for some time back, so it was easy to skim off the top. It was enough to invest and get a piece of the action. Everyone downtown knew the coke was shit until Razor did a deal with the cartel. They needed connections and I was the middleman.”

“Investment bankin’ obviously didn’t pay enough back then,” Harlem says, shaking his head. “Always wantin’ more. Fuckin’ greedy, but where did it get you in the end?”

“I never meant to hurt anyone,” he babbles. “I just invested money, then Razor got the stuff, distributed it with some lowdown parolees who got the shit on the streets, and everyone took a piece of the pie. The money I skimmed didn’t even get missed.”

“So essentially, you didn’t put the money up, the bank did?” Harlem shakes his head, incredulous.

“It was a few cents here and there,” he breathes. “It was almost too easy. Then I started at Shields, and when Razor was gunned down, his men approached me again.”

“So you took company funds from Shields?” I ask, wondering how the fuck this idiot covered it up.

“Again, I made it look like investments,” he pants. “I’m good… I’m good at it. I always got a return, and with Shields, the money was back in the account before anyone noticed. Nobody was any the wiser.”

“How proud your mother must be,” I mutter. “You know guns and drugs kill people, right? That shit you’re puttin’ out on the street is fucked, and you just sit here and act like it’s nothin’ while you keep these streets littered with criminals and addicts. You’re a part of the fuckin’ problem. You’re just a goddamn lowlife scumbag.”

Just because he’s pissing me off, I slice another finger.

He howls like a bitch.

“Please,” he wails. “I’ll do anything… I never… I just wanted to get ahead. I planned on retiring in a few years, after I became CEO.”

“And took Luna as your wife?”

“That was her father’s idea.” He winces. “I was just going along with it to keep him happy.”

“Somethin’ wrong with Luna?” I bark.

He shakes his head. “No. of course not…”

“She told me that you called her a fuckin’ little whore and she’d suck cock for anyone.”

His eyes go wide.

Harlem shakes his head. He knows what’s coming next.

“You disrespected my ol’ lady,” I growl. “Can’t talk your way out of that.”

“Kiss of death,” Harlem agrees.

“You touch her?”

“No!” he spits.

“You want to?”


“You think you’re better than her, don’t you, Brian?”

“I –I don’t,” he stammers. “I just did what Mr. Shields told me to do. I wanted that fuckin’ promotion. I deserve it. If peddlin’ a little pond scum is what I have to do, then so be it.”

My nostrils flair. “Bein’ with Luna is like peddlin’ pond scum?” I frown, then to Harlem, “I think he did just say that, right?”

