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“I told you. I just wanted to make some quick cash and then get out,” he wails. “I never meant to?—”

Harlem swings the hammer down on his other hand and the crunch has me wincing.

Brian makes a sound I’ve not heard in quite some time and I saunter over and shove the gag back in his mouth to shut him the fuck up.

“Your fuckin’ money…” Harlem spits as I push on his chest to move him back an inch. “Pays for kids to be trafficked and raped… Do you get that, fuckface?

Young women, little boys and girls shipped off to foreign countries to work like slaves and be sold into sex rings because you wanted another yacht to sail on the weekends.” He spits at his feet, and now I’m the one making sure that Harlem doesn’t end him.

He wails behind his broken hand, bleeding fingers and stuffed mouth.

I’m sick to the fuckin’ sight and sound of him.

“Need to end this,” I mutter. “Can’t listen to this bitch whinin’ for too much longer.”

He tries to protest, but it sounds like a blithering mess.

“You think you’re just supplyin’ drugs to fuckin’ users that want it? You put pimps up on a pedestal, give dealers God like status, and put guns into the hands of criminals and terrorists and you don’t bat an eyelid?” he barks, anger lacing his tone as points in Brian’s face. “What kind of sick fuck are you?”

“A delusional one,” I answer for him. “He thought he could get away with it and then move on to my ol’ lady. Didn’t you, Brian?”

He shakes his head, his face clammy and pale as a sheet. We haven’t even fuckin’ started torturing him properly yet. And here I was thinking this was gonna be so much fun.

It's starting to get boring.

“Think he knows fine well, but he doesn’t care,” Harlem agrees.

“Here’s what’s gonna happen,” I say. “You’re gonna give us everything else you know, includin’ your work ID and passwords to all your computers. Who you met with, how you did it, what phone numbers you have… we’re gonna check it all out, then I’m gonna come back here and dissect you if anything you told us isn’t legit.”

He squirms and wriggles around like a goddamn idiot. Have some fuckin’ dignity before you die. And die he will. He doesn’t know it yet, but he won’t ever be seeing daylight again.

“Don’t know if he’s understandin’,” Harlem snickers. “He might need a little dose of ‘can I live without my balls attached?’”

He protests loudly as I roll my eyes. How could Luna ever fall for a dipshit like this?

It’s so tedious when the asshole just gives it all up without having even one ounce of resistance.

I turn to Harlem as we step away. “Need to find that buildin’.”

“Haze and Brew are on their way. Maybe they found somethin’?”

I turn and Cash gives me a chin lift as I saunter over, leaving Brian in a heaving mess to think about what’s left of his short time on earth.

“Least we got some shit, and we know he’s operatin’ out of town,” I say as Cash nods.

“This piece of shit used to date Luna?” Cash looks past my shoulder at the man hunched over in the chair. “No fuckin’ grit at all.”

“Disappointin’,” I agree.

“What’s next?”

“I think we need to wait for Haze and Brew. They just got off night shift. Might have some new intel, not that we can rely on any of the allies we had.”

“Gonna see to that,” Cash promises. “Nothin’ gonna get past our noses anymore. If Forger thinks he can get one step ahead of us, then we beat him at his own game.”

I give him a chin lift. “Won’t even miss this scumbag.”

“Not until he needs money again. We’ve probably got a day or two, if we’re lucky.”

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