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When the receptionist tries to blow us off and threatens to call security, I mention Luna’s name and that she’s in trouble and, all of a sudden, we’re being let into the elevator.

Like security can do shit.

We leave Rodeo downstairs in the lobby with instructions to let us know if the cops arrive.

I’d hate to have to throw Jerry Shields out of the top story window, as I don’t think two mysterious deaths from one company in the same week can be very believable.

We wait in the lobby of his office, the receptionist looking very nervous as Nevada starts asking her questions about where high-class chicks like her hang out.

I’m not in the fuckin’ mood today, and if not for the fact that Jerry walks out to greet us, I’d probably punch Nevada in the throat.

“Thomas?” he questions, looking me up and down. “What are you doing here?”

“In your office.” I point behind him. “Gonna need privacy for this conversation.”

The two security follow us as I add, “And you can lose the two buffoons, or I’m not sayin’ shit.”

He nods as they hang back and we follow him to his office. He looks like a man who’s one step away from a heart attack. His face red, and he’s at least thirty pounds overweight. He dabs his forehead with a handkerchief.

“Did well for yourself,” I say, looking around the expansive office. “Pity.”

“What do you want, Thomas? Is this about Luna?”

I snort, my eyes landing on him as Rock and Nevada stand by the door.

“Suddenly you care about Luna?”

“I offered her a deal she couldn’t refuse, and this is how she repays me?”

I crack my neck from side to side. “See, that’s just the thing. People aren’t pawns, fuckface. Luna is her own woman, and she can’t be bought off. She’s better than that. What does it say when her own flesh and blood tries to make her do somethin’ she doesn’t wanna do?

That tells me that they’re pathetic scum.”

His hand trembles as he hovers his hand over the phone.

“Touch that and this will all end badly,” I warn.

“What the fuck do you want, asshole?” he growls. “I’m a busy man.”

“So busy that you couldn’t take time out to be a decent father to your own child? You let her suffer for years, when all she ever wanted was to be accepted by you. To hear that you loved her.”

He snorts. “What do you care? You two hated each other.”

Now isn’t the time to let him in on me and Luna. Her mom and my dad get that courtesy, not this motherfucker.

“She’s family. You don’t even know the meanin’ of the word.”

“I never forced her to do anything,” he goes on. “She took money from me and never paid it back. That’s the thing with Luna; she never quite could get her shit together. Frankly, she’s an embarrassment. The deal I offered was more than generous, given the number of times she’s made me look like a fool, or I’ve had to fork out to pull her out of a mess. It’s time she took some responsibility.”

“That’s rich, coming from a guy who hires money launderers who fund underworld illegal activity by embezzling company funds,” I tell him, waiting for the penny to drop.

“What the fuck has that got to do with me?”

“Brian,” I say. “All the information is being emailed to you as we speak. Brian had a horrible little habit of doin’ this kinda shit at the last place he worked. This time, he got greedy, and when you get greedy, you get sloppy, then you make mistakes.”

Jerry looks outraged. “I don’t know what the hell you’re playing at here!” he bellows, standing and waving his finger in my face.

I move slowly, rising from my chair as his eyes follow up my body and take in my form.
