Page 166 of Tag

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I’veneverheard my mom speak this way. It’s not like her, but now I see where I may get some of my backbone from.

“Lisa?” He sputters.

“You heard me. Let's come together as a family, talk and find a solution. Work through it. Acting like this is only going to push them away. I won’t lose my daughter, Terrance. And I won’t lose Thomas because you can’t see what’s right in front of you.”

He shakes his head. “I can’t believe you.” He sits back down reluctantly.

“Lisa, we understand this is a lot,” Tag says, choosing to ignore his father. “We get it’s a shock for the both of you. But I’m in love with Luna, and it’s taken me this long finally to admit it to myself. We don’t want to push either of you away or distance ourselves, but this is what we want.”

Terrance snorts. “So even if we’re against it, that won’t matter? You’ll do it, anyway?”

Tag turns his gaze to him. “Yes. Dad, we’re both grown adults. We can make our own decisions. We don’t need your permission. Those decisions may not be what you had planned for either of us, but we’ve spent this long denying our real feelings and I don’t want to live my life like that anymore. It was devastating when I had to quit football. The only thing that comes close to that was Luna leaving town. She left because I rejected her and I felt like an asshole doing it.”

He lets the words settle.

We’ve come so far since that day. Full circle.

“He was trying to do the right thing,” I add. “By letting me go and finding myself. I did all of that. I traveled. Met new people. I fulfilled my wishes. But the road always leads back here. This is home. To my family. And to Tag.”

“Don’t stick up for him,” Terrance growls. “I’m sure there are plenty of women in that godforsaken motorcycle club you could hook up with…”

“That’s just the thing,” Tag interrupts. “It isn’t ahook up. I don’t want that. I haven’t wanted that for a long time.” His fingers interlace with mine. “This is real. What we have is real, Dad.”

My stomach flips, and I want to kiss him right now. I refrain, though. They really don't need to see that right now.

“We have a connection,” I go on. “We’ve always fought against it, thinking that we were too different. But the fact is, we’re too much alike. I know it’s a lot to ask for your blessing, but we hope that with time, you’ll understand that we’re just two people who were not meant to fall in love but did.”

Mom leaps out of the chair and folds me into her arms. She kisses me on both cheeks and pushes my hair back. “I’m so happy for you. Thomas has always been like a son to me…”

“That’s because he is!” Terrance roars. He jumps to his feet. “I can’t believe you’re just okay with this!”

Mom shifts to look up at him. “If you’re not going to talk about this civilly, then just leave,” she says. “Shouting will not change anything. They clearly have put a lot of thought into this and they love each other. It’s done. We have to accept it.”

He points at Tag's face, while Tag stands.

My eyes go wide. Tag is bigger than his father, but Terrance is no lightweight.

My heart sinks.

“You can’t fight this, Dad,” he says, his voice eerily calm. “Nothing is going to change how I feel. I love Luna.”

Hearing those words…My gut clenches.

I bite my lip as mom moves in between the two of them.

“And I love him,” I say, wiping my tears. “We love each other. I’m sorry, but we fell in love and we want to be together.”

Terrance and Tag lock eyes, refusing to back down. In the end, Terrance storms out, muttering under his breath about how crazy we all are.

I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding as mom sits next to me on the couch.

“I’m sorry, Mom,” I whisper. “We didn’t mean for this to happen.”

She smiles gently. I have always had the ability to talk to my mom about anything. The thought of losing her love and respect because of this has caused me distress for a little while now.

Tag sits back down so mom is in between us.

“My only desire is to see both of you happy, you know that. I admit, I’m a little taken aback, but if I’m being honest, I’m not all that surprised,” she says, shocking the hell out of me. “I’ve always known there was tension between you two, and when you went off to college in the early years, it seemed like pure hatred. However, as you got older, things appeared to change. I didn’tsee it then, but I see it now. I know you love one another. I feel it.”

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