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“We’re so close,” Harlem says. “Next weekend, there’s a fight goin’ down. Big Papa has arranged a meeting with the new gear Forger is pushin’ out. Figurin’ out the logistics of who can accompany him without bein’ recognized.”

This is progress. Big Papa is one of the biggest drug runners in this city. We don’t deal with him usually, but after he heard what Forger did to his little girl, he wasn’t having any of it.

He also owes Cash from way back, so having him in our corner, at least for a night so we can end things, is music to my ears.

“This better fuckin’ happen,” I mutter. “I’m so over this shit.”

“In the meantime,” Cash goes on. “Rock is in charge of Aspyn Ashley, Tommy Huntley’s kid. She's comin’ to New Orleans and needs to keep a low profile.”

I heard about Tommy Huntley and the death threats against his daughter. I’m thankful it’s Rock and not myself or Harlem who have the babysitting job. I’ve got bigger fish to fry than watching over some spoiled princess.

“Hey, how’s your sister doin’?” Nevada pipes up out of nowhere.

“Fuck man,” Riot says nudging him in the ribs. “Thought you’d have learnt from the last beatin’ not to fuck with T.”

Nevada just laughs. I swear to god he’s fuckin’ crazy.

“Take more than a black eye to fuck this pretty face up,” he laughs. “Got me a coupla sweet butts at the ready, only too happy to nurse me back to health.”

“Keep callin’ Luna my sister, and I’ll fuck you up so your dick won’t work again, got me?” I give him a look.

“Careful, T, that sounded kinky.” He gives me a wink.

Priest shakes his head. “If you need a hand with Rock, let me know. Heard this chick is a handful.”

“Or two handfuls?” Nevada laughs. “Judgin’ by the size of her tits on the big screen.”

“Don’t fuckin’ tell me you watch reality tv?” I grunt. “I’ve heard it all now.”

“Not like I watch it for the storyline.” He shrugs. “Cash, you know I’m free to babysit Aspyn, just say the words and I’ll rearrange my week.”

“How about shut the fuck up,” Cash fires back at him. “Tommy entrusted me with the task of looking after hisdaughter, and I don't want her to suffer from your extensive history of sexual encounters. Nor do the rest of us need to fuckin’ hear it.”

He puts a hand over his heart. “I’m shocked you’d think I’d do somethin’ like that.”

Chuckles erupt around the table as I shake my head. He’s a fuckin’ doofus.

I have to admit; I don’t regret giving him a black eye and bloody lip, not that it’s deterred him one iota.

Cash bangs the gavel down and we make our way out. I need to catch up with Harlem, but when I see the tail end of my girl, I follow her down to her office.

She doesn’t have to work anymore, not with her inheritance safely in her account, but that isn’t Luna. Nor is it me. I love this club more than anything, I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.

“Should you be wearin’ short skirts to work?” I say, startling her when she turns and I’m already pressing myself against her back.

“Jesus, T! You scared me.”

I smile, my hands landing on her hips as she heads to her shared office with Jas.

Luckily, Jas isn’t here. I close the door behind us.

“Skirt?” I quirk a brow.

She rolls her eyes. “It isn’t even short.”

I push her up against the door and she gasps. “T! We can’t do this here.”

“Why not?” My face is buried in her hair as I breathe her in.
