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I tore my gaze away from her curves and how her ass looked in those jeans when she hugged her mom. She didn’t hug me. All I got was a lame “hello.” Her cheeks flushing, which told me pretty much what I had already suspected.

It’s not like I haven’t noticed her. She’s hot. She doesn't know it, but she is.

But she’s my goddamn… No. I can’t even say it.

Even if we’re not blood related and I’ve only known her for five years and lived under the same roof for two, it’s still weird. Despite any sugar-coating on my part. It’s implied that we’re related.

I crack my neck.

Why am I so annoyed at the idea that she was making out with a guy?

I try to tell myself it’s because I’m being an overbearing, overprotective brother, but deep down, I know the truth.

I know it was her. I know that fucking ringtone anywhere. And not just that; she hasn’t been able to look at me these last few weeks when our paths crossed on campus, not that we’ve ever been super close, but still, a simple hello isn’t beyond either of us.

She pokes at her food as Lisa passes the potatoes.

My dad is still jabbering about the game he watched on replay between the Dolphins and the Raiders, and I pretend to listen, nodding in all the right places.

My dad lives and breathes football. It’s what he does.

“So, Thomas, how is everything going with the team?” Lisa asks.

“Great,” I say.

“What about you, honey?” she asks Luna. “How are classes?”

Luna finally looks up, avoiding my gaze as I stare at her. “Uh, fine, Mom.”

She seems jittery tonight, now that I’m in close proximity.

She’s such a little liar.

I feel my dick hardening as I swallow hard.

Holy fuck.

This won’t do.

Lisa rattles on good-naturedly, and Luna’s eyes finally meet mine. I stare at her, and she doesn’t look away.

I want her to know that I know.

That it was her…

Her cheeks flush as she looks away first.

“So, Lu,” I say, delighted when her breath hitches at my saying her nickname. “Haven’t seen you around campus much.”

She forks some turkey but doesn’t bring it to her mouth, instead she looks at anything but me. “I’ve been busy,” she says, her voice faint.

“I hope you’re looking out for her,” Dad says, as I flick my eyes to his. “College can be hard when you’re young.”

I smirk. “I’m pretty sure Luna can handle herself, right, sis?”

Her eyes go wide as she blinks in rapid succession for a second, and I love the fact that I’m getting under her skin.

“I have Payden,” she goes on. “So I’m lucky that we’re close by.”
