Page 3 of Tag

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Amy and I had become friends when I moved to New Orleans with my mom and step-dad, shortly after I commenced college. We worked together in a bar, and she was fun, filling the void of my best friend, Payden, who went on to study law and stayed back in Pittsburgh.

He reaches for my arm, and I step back like he’s a snake. “I swear to God, if you fucking touch me!” I’m no match for him, of course, but I’m tall and I do pack a mean punch.I’ll put all my weight behind me if it means I get to punch the asshole.

“Calm down, Luna, you never gave me a chance to explain.” His voice is now a highly-strung whisper, and I love that I’mgetting him unglued like this. It’s the only sense of satisfaction I’ve gotten.

“Explain what, exactly? That you’re both dead to me?”

“It wasn’t like that…”

My eyes go wide. “Please explain to me how your dick entering her vagina repeatedly wasn’t like that, Brian.”

His eyes go wide. “Luna, that’s enough! You’re causing a scene.”

I look over to Carly. “Carly, honey, am I causing a scene?”

She swallows hard and then stands. “I think I might just go and refill my coffee.”

I smile pleasantly as she scuttles past. I hope she’s the office gossip and Brian’s credibility slips just a little. Really, it’s the least I could do.

“Luna, I never meant to hurt you…”Here we go.“But you know we were having difficulties…”Three, two, one.“And you were coming on strong… I mean, we were just fooling around and things felt… pressured.”

I open my mouth, but no words come out.


He is the biggest asshole and gas lighter. My fury rages, so much so that I feel the pounding of blood in my ears.

“You fucking pig,” I snarl. “You told me you loved me. That we were going to look for an apartment together. How wasIthe one coming on strong? You felt pressured? More like you wanted your cake and eat it too. What I really want to know is, why her? Why Amy?”

He at least looks like he’s a little sorry, or maybe he’s just worried Carly has gone to the lunchroom to spread the word. Good. I hope he rots in hell.

He shrugs. “We’d grown close. She was there when I needed her.”

Oh, this just gets better. The final nail in the coffin.

Blame it all on me.

I shake my head. “Are you serious right now? I worshiped the ground you walked on. When you did what you did… and with Amy, of all people, I was devastated. Everyone said that I should have punched you in the face or burned your apartment down. But all I could do was wallow away in my own pain and self-pity while you two got to play happy couple.”

“We were sorry for that.”


“You’re not even with Amy anymore. The second things get too hard, you split. Right, Brian?”

“Just know that I’m really, truly sorry. I never meant to hurt you.”

“No, you just enjoy fucking women who are supposed to be loyal to me. You know what, though? It’s the best thing that’s happened to me. You were both as toxic as each other.”

His nostrils flare and I love how he may finally get the fact he can’t control me anymore. It’s like he’s bewildered that I would even dare leave. At the time, I yelled and screamed and threw Amy’s goddamn shoes at him while he was pumping her from behind…then I ran away. I couldn’t face them. I just couldn’t. It made me sick.

I don’t even know to this day if Amy tried to reach out because I blocked her and moved out of my apartment the following week. I wanted no trace of my existence in her life.

The old me isn’t exactly anything like the new me. But it’s taken me a while to get here.

At least, that is, until Thomas, or as we know him now, Tag…the MC Sergeant at Arms for the NOLA Rebels destroyed me. Just thinking about his rejection makes me squirm. Then there’s Gary, the guy I hooked up with after Brian, who’s now making my life hell. My biggest mistake and the main reason I’m here.

However, I’ve grown accustomed to hiding my true feelings.
