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Pulling her into my arms, we spoon.

Fucking spoon.

I’m losing it, I swear to God.

This protective urge washes over me as I hold her.

She’s so warm. So full of life.

She doesn’t want anything from me, not like everyone else in my life. Everyone, even my teammates, all want a piece of me. Then there’s my dad, who’s always on my case 24/7.

Not Luna, though, she’s different.

She likes me for me and, for some reason, that resonates deep inside me. Not that I’d ever admit it out loud, but it’s there.

Within a few minutes, I’m listening to the sound of her soft breathing, and I know she’s fallen asleep.

I lie there. Guilt washes over me with every breath I take.

Do I regret it? Hell no.

Should I have done it? Hell no.

But I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t do it again.

I just hope she meant what she said. I can’t have her catching feelings, hell, I’m fighting my own right now.

It’s not just the wash of protection that I’ve always had over her, but the fact that we shared this.

That at some point, she’ll be in another man's bed. In another man's arms. And I’m going to have to sit back and take it.

I swallow hard.

Tonight, I tell myself. I’ll give myself tonight, and that will be that.

Present day

I growl down the phone.

“Two weeks? What the fuck?”

Jerry, the car rep I always go through for my own clients, sounds remorseful. “T, it’s a hundred and thirty grand. Since Covid, cars are in high demand. I’ll shop around, but I can’t guarantee I can get it in silver any quicker.”

I roll my eyes. “Find a way.”

“I’ll see what I can d–”

I don’t even wait for him to finish. He’s annoyed me enough.

It’s Luna’s birthday soon, and while she would never expect an extravagant gift like that, the Mercedes G-Wagon is sturdy and it’s kind of a girl car. I think.

I don’t want to buy her affections. I snort at the idea. Hell would freeze over before she ever let that happen. But she can’t continue to drive around in a piece of shit.

I had it towed back to Rock’s, but it’s not gonna be salvageable. For now, she can borrow my truck, or get a ride, not that anyone lives in her neighborhood.

Money is no object when it comes to her safety; she should know that by now. But she’ll continue to fight me at every turn because she never lets me explain.

A lot of shit went down with us, but I never lied to her. She took one little thing I said and twisted it, resulting in her leaving for two years without so much as a goodbye.
