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They all turn to leave, and I breathe a sigh of relief. I don’t need any of them hanging around, whether they really were on a mission or not. I also know there are two prospects outside; Rodeo and Pipes, two of the more responsible of the crew who will make sure the girls and Manny don’t run into issues when they leave.

It’s a telling factor that I’ve not been interested in or fucked any sweet butts for a little while. Tonight, I might change all that. Fuck Luna out of my system once and for all. Even if my brain reminds me that I’ve been trying to do that for the better part of a decade and it hasn’t worked.

The music’s getting louder and the show in the next room, which was portioned off from the main bar, is about to start.

It makes my blood boil even more thinking about another man near Luna. Not that I care to think about it. She’s been with other men besides me. Hell, she’s a walking disaster area where men are concerned. That part I get.

Even if I had been fucking my palm for the last few weeks, so the fuck what. A man needs a break from pussy once in a while.

Maybe I’ll stop by the Vault later myself and see if any of the strippers catch my fancy. Not that Cash likes us doing that, but it doesn’t stop the brothers from time to time.

The one thing I rely on is my fuckin’ memories. And I have a lot of Luna.

I just haven’t been able to shake her from my goddamn brain.

Maybe some new pussy is all I need? Since Luna’s clearly doing her thing, I should be able to do mine without acting like my dicks in a damn sling.

There were always plenty of women at church who wanted it. Didn’t really matter if we stopped at The Vault or not. Fresh pussy came and went; that was the nature of the MC.

We also didn’t fuck any of the bar staff, Luna included when she used to work there. Amber came and went too, and Brandy, who was always trying to sleep with Cash but had to be told by Deanna to back the fuck off.

Goddamn bitches.

Claiming their men is something an ol’ lady will do to make a bitch back off. But sometimes that didn’t always work and then fights broke out. Usually, it was between two chicks fighting over Nevada or his pretty boy counterpart Riot. Shit like that happened all the time.

I didn’t want to get to know any chick real well. I’ve always been the type of man to just have casual sex with no strings. If a chick got too close, I’d cut ’em loose. That’s how I’m made, it’s how I roll. I just can’t help but think that the shit does get old. Especially when I think about how it used to be with Luna and how when she left school and moved here with our parents, everything changed for us.

Nothing would ever be the same, not that it could go on the way it did.

Having quick fucks in our dorm rooms wasn’t what she deserved. I knew that then and I know it now.

I shake my head.

This shit has to stop.

I glance around the bar and notice a couple of chicks eyeing me up at the end of the far.


One of them is my type.

Curvy. Thick. Long, dark hair, brown eyes. Huge tits.

She would do.

I give her a chin lift, not knowing what the fuck I’m doing. Do I really want this?

It’d be so fuckin’ easy to just go bang another chick while thinking about the one I really want, but at least my palm and I could finally be rid of one another for a night.

I take a breath and down the rest of my drink as she approaches.

She eyes me up and I stare at her. “Hi, big guy,” she purrs.

Up close, she’s not as pretty, but it’s not as if it’s her head I’ll be looking at.

Her tits though… fuck yeah.

“I saw you staring at me from across the bar,” she goes on.
