Page 13 of The Big Boss

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What they don’t tell you about really great dick, is that it’s addictive. You always want more until you want nothing else. And that’s the beginning of the end.

The sun is still shining hot and bright, and the humidity instantly makes me sweat. And that only helps me remember more, smell him more. What the fuck am I doing?

I look to my right as I step onto the street, and suddenly there’s blaring horns and a rush of air and I’m falling on top of someone’s body. The wind is entirely knocked out of me, and my vision blackens with dizziness for a moment before it clears and I’m looking up at the sky.

Running through the images in my head, I realize how close I’d just come to that bumper, and the rush of wind was the car that nearly killed me.

A face blocks out the sun. “Justine.” It’s Keenan. “Are you all right? Did you hit anything?”

I try to focus on his voice. “I landed on you.”

“Good. Let me call an ambulance so we can get you checked out.”

“No,” I say quickly and shove myself to a sitting position. “No, I’m okay.” Moving too quickly makes me dizzy again, but just a head rush. I’m fine. I didn’t hit my head, and I might have a couple bruises, but I was lucky.

Lucky because Keenan pulled me out of the way. “What are you doing here?”

“Me?” The look on his face is a mixture of terror and fury. “What are you doing walking out into traffic? You could have been killed?”

His arms are around me in a second, and everything about him from his stance to his voice speaks of protection. Fingers dig into my spine, and when I look up at him to meet his gaze, I see that same passion, and now possession. I feel it too, greedy for his touch.

I’m shaking, and for just a moment, I let myself lean into him. Keenan gather’s me close, and that scent that seemed suffocating just a couple of minutes ago now seems comforting. I rest my forehead on his chest, and slowly his hand glides up my back to cradle my neck.

My heart is pounding and yet I feel exhausted, the adrenaline draining out of my system with the realization of safety. Keenan came after me. “You came after me,” I say, voice muffled in his shirt.

“I couldn’t let you walk away,” he says softly. “And I’m glad I didn’t. A few second later and…I don’t want to think about that.”

He doesn’t have to fill in the blanks. My mind is already doing it for me more than adequately. “Thank you.”

“And I might add,” he says, with a smile I can hear, “we’re in public. Broad daylight. Touching. And the world didn’t come crashing down.”

I pull away slowly. I don’t want to, and running away from it clearly isn’t working. Anxiety bubbles in my gut. I know that I’m playing with fire, but I also know that if I don’t do something, this will turn into a regret.

Part of me wants to make it easy. Drag him back inside to that fancy office of his and let him fuck me ten ways till Sunday. Or I can be brave and hope that I know what the fuck I’m doing.

I clear my throat and straighten out my clothes as I look at him. “I’ll agree to dinner,” I say, holding out a hand to stop him from interrupting. I can already see that he was going to. “But I have conditions.”

The smile on Keenan’s face is blinding. “Go ahead.”

“No wearing a suit. Casual clothes only,” I tell him.

He chuckles. “Okay.”

“I pick the restaurant.”

“Again, fine,” he says.

Pulling my shoulders back, I meet his gaze square on. “And I pay.”

Raised eyebrows. “Really?”

“It’s that or nothing,” I tell him. “We do this on my terms, or we make a clean break and never see each other again. Not even for a flower delivery.”

“Cactus delivery, technically.”

I roll my eyes. “You know what I mean.”

“I’ll do it,” he says. “You let me know when and where.”

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I hand to him. Without a word, he takes it and puts in his number, but he’s grinning like a fool and can’t stop. “Are you sure you’re okay? Do you need a car to get home?”

“I’m fine, I say. My car is a couple blocks away.”

He looks me up and down one more time, as if reassuring himself that I was actually whole and healthy. “Then I’ll see you tonight,” he says with a wink before heading back inside.

I wait until he’s completely out of sight before I let myself smile even a little.



I collapse onto the couch when I walk into my apartment earlier than I have in months. Even though today was a relatively light day work wise, I’m still exhausted. The amazing sex and the adrenaline of seeing Justine almost run over have taken it out of me.
