Page 46 of Seduced

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Hiding would have to wait, however. Hearing athunkin the bedroom, Delilah was overcome both with a jolt of panic and a sensation of relief that she could sink her teeth into something tangible. Part of her hoped that the last part was literal.

Lowering the groceries to the floor and extending the claws of her dominant hand, she edged her way toward the bedroom, sniffing the air with anticipation. Whoever it was, she could fight this—no sitting around waiting for the villain to show himself.

Something in the air halted her. The scent she was picking up was familiar, and all violent intentions left her. Letting her enthusiasm for the kill out on a puff of air, Delilah rolled her eyes and pushed the door open.

“Hi, Miranda.”

“Ouch!” Miranda stood up and turned too fast, dropping a boot on her foot and smacking her head on the doorway to the closet. Evidently, she had been nosing around for a while. Half of Delilah’s things were strewn on the bed.

“What are you doing? I gave you my key for emergencies.” Delilah couldn’t keep the edge of annoyance out of her voice. She had been so ready to neutralize a threat that it was difficult to come down from the anger and anticipation of serving justice to her imaginary pursuer.

Miranda waved her off, adding to Delilah’s irrational and barely suppressed urge to lash out at her friend. “Oh, everybody knows that ‘emergency’ is relative. Besides, I needed to find you a pair of shoes to go with this!” She presented a floor-length, strappy, sparkling blue dress with layers of chiffon curling down the skirt.

The wave of aggression Delilah had been riding receded, and she found her energy at low tide. “Wheredid you get that?”

Miranda looked confused. “Don’t you like it? I picked it up from Oswald’s. Such a terrible name for a designer of such fabulous dresses!”

“Of course, I love it, but I can’t possibly afford something like that!”

“Honey, please. It’s a gift, and not from me, either. A little birdie told me you had a hot date tonight and, seeing as how you’re new in town and probably haven’t been on one of these in a while…” Miranda shrugged. “Let’s just say I put a bug in a few ears.” She waved the dress back and forth in front of Delilah. “I can always take it back if you don’t want it.”

Delilah couldn’t help herself. She laughed and took the gown from Miranda, stroking the material and testing its weight. “It’s so soft and light! How did you know my size?”

Miranda patted her pocket. “I probably should have told you that I interpret the term ‘emergency’veryloosely.” She turned back to the closet. “Now, go take a bath while I find some shoes. And we’ll have to do something with your hair. You can’t go looking all wind-blown!”

Something in Miranda’s suggestion made Delilah hurry to the bathroom, which she found decked with candles as a hot bath bubbled in the tub. “Don’t get all pruny!” She heard wafting from the bedroom. “Get to smelling less like a wolf and get out!”

Delilah snorted. “You’re not the boss of me,” she murmured under her breath. Undressing and easing herself into the mass of bubbles, she leaned back and felt her muscles relax. She could already feel the day getting better.

Fifteen minutes later, she sat in a robe in front of her mirror as Miranda did her hair and makeup. “So where am I going?” she asked tentatively.

Miranda mimed pulling a zipper across her lips. “I’m not undoing all the work I did while you were out, sweetie. You’re on your own.”

Delilah smacked her forehead. “The groceries!”

“I took care of those while you were in the bath.” Clucking over her nails, Miranda added, “And I didn’t get you out of it a moment too soon.”

Just as they were zipping up the dress and adding the finishing pins to Delilah’s hair, the doorbell rang. “That’ll be them!” She patted Delilah on the shoulder. “Have fun! And try not to mess up your hair too much.” Delilah swatted at her, but Miranda dodged and winked. “Don’t keep ’em waiting!”

The door opened to reveal two of the finest gentlemen shifter eyes ever beheld. They cut an excellent figure in matching black suits and ties, Graham holding a bouquet of lilies and Jude a fistful of long-stemmed roses.

Both of their faces lit up appreciatively when they saw her. “This way, my lady.” Graham held an arm out for her to take.

“Your chariot awaits,” Jude added, offering his arm in turn and directing her toward the limousine.

This is going to be fun.

Chapter 26


“Wherearewegoing?I’mdyingto know!” Delilah could barely contain her excitement as her dates helped her into the car. Graham gave the driver instructions while Jude popped a bottle of champagne and poured three glasses.

“You can’t wait twenty more minutes?” Jude asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I can’t waitonemore minute!” Delilah insisted.

Jude leaned over, brushing a stray wisp of hair from her neck in a gesture that made Delilah shiver. He held his mouth so close to the rim of her ear that she could feel his breath, sending another wave of chills down her spine.
