Page 142 of Luna

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"Did I win?" I announce when I step into my office, knowing full well that she must've gotten here long before. But she's not here, instead Marcus is, tidying a stack of papers on my desk. I'm instantly disappointed not to get to see her face. "Marcus, you're not at lunch? Where's Luna?"

"Erm, Mr. Baxter. I"—he rubs his forehead, visibly shaking—"Luna. Er... I have to tell you something—"

Something's wrong.

The feeling I felt the minute I stepped off the elevator clings, sticky and ugly to my skin. I shouldn't have ignored it. My instincts are my life. I make split decisions that affect the livelihoods of hundreds, thousands of people on a daily basis.Never ignore that, Kingsley.

"What's going on?"

My usually unflappable assistant grabs his stomach, like he's already sickened by what he's about to say. "She didn't mean to. Er, she was sitting at your desk..." he waves his hand over the stacks of folders on my desk, and my blood runs cold. "She accidentally knocked them off. It was just an accident but, erm, we were tidying them up and... she... she saw the…"

"Marcus. So help me, if you don't spit it out I'm going to cut your tongue out. What did she see?"

He grimaces. Not a good sign. He delivers bad news to me every day barely blinking. "Luna, er, saw the documents on the top pile. The reports about—"

He doesn't need to go on. I know exactly what he's talking about. The papers I received weeks ago, and hadn't had a chance to throw away yet. Papers I should never have left out just in case something like this happened.

"She saw them?"

"Yes and—"

I cut him off. "Where is she now?"

"She said she had to go..."

I'm going to be sick."Where did she go? Tell me!"

He just shakes his head. "She didn't say. She just took some of the papers and ran."

Dammit."Get Jim and the door man on the phone right now! I want to know where she went, did she walk, get in a cab, on a fucking scooter. Now!"

"Yes, sir."

"Wait. Marcus, did she say anything else?"

"Sir. She said to tell you that she was done. That it's over."

"Call me the minute you hear anything."

"Of course, sir. Hopefully she'll show up here soon," Theodore says, comforting me. But we both know that he's full of shit. She's not showing up there. We both know her well enough to know that.

He hangs up and I check my messages again for the hundredth time in the last ten minutes.

Kingsley: Pick up the phone, Luna. At least tell me you're okay. I'm going fucking crazy. Please.

Kingsley: Please.

Kingsley: God, just answer the phone. Message me as soon as you see this. Let me know you're okay.

Kingsley: We need to talk. I know that. So give me a chance to explain. I can explain everything.

Kingsley: Luna.

Kingsley: Moonshine.

Kingsley: Sweetheart. Please.

Kingsley: I'm begging you.
