Page 143 of Luna

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Kingsley: Call me. Call me every fucking name under the sun, just call me.

I sit back, staring at the pile of papers stacked messily on my desk.

Fucking idiot. I should never have left them out. She comes in and out of here all day. There isn't a place in my life - my office, my apartment, my house that she doesn't have full access to. Just as she should.

I reach for the folder and flip it open.

The heading in bold mocking me.

Results on report on Luna Pham.

And the lines and lines of data on her personal life.

Everything that there is about her in print, and things that only someone who has delved into the deepest, darkest corners of her life would know.

Her mother's life. How much money was in her personal bank account before Ernest's inheritance. Her grades in school. A picture of her in the school play in the sixth grade. How much money she raised for her friend's dog's funeral when she was ten years old.

It's all there.

I'd had her investigated the day after I found out about her, and that I was going to be her trustee.

I told her I needed to know everything, and that it was for the good of her trust.

But we were never supposed to...

We were never supposed to become what we had.

I'd skimmed the personal details, and paid attention only to the things that I thought were pertinent to her business.

But she didn't know that.

And now... she might never know.


Jim and the doorman have turned up nothing.

And now I am going literally crazy.

Marcus discreetly questioned everyone in the office who he thinks she is good friends with, but none of them have any information on where she is.

There were only two people who could help me now.

One is the private investigator who looked into her for me and I've already sent him a message

And the last...fuck.

I get up, grabbing my keys and swallowing my pride.

And for the second time, I drive to The Hamilton Group looking for Luna Pham.

"She's not here. She left almost an hour ago" Alex says, stepping out of his office when he sees me.

Is it normal that I want to punch him just seeing his face?

"I know. I just wondered if she came back."

He eyes me suspiciously. "Why? Did she forget something?"
