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"He's a waiter, right?" I question and Sophie and Lexa both nod. "He asked me out when we first moved here, but I don't know. I just got a creepy vibe from him, so I said no."

"Creepy?" Lexa arches a brow.

"Like he'd become obsessed with you kind of creepy."

Sophie tilts her head. "I do remember him telling me he'd shown up at his ex's job for a week straight when she'd broken up with him. I told him that was crazy, but he'd felt it was showing her he wasn't giving up."

"Yeah, creepy," I repeat. "No thanks."

Lexa looks at something over my shoulder. "Finally, the freaking cake is here. Let me go curse this chef out, then we'll start opening gifts."

We laugh as she walks past us. Then I look at the kitchen entryway. Jackson is there, licking his lips, watching me, with heat in his eyes. I wonder if we could escape to the basement again right now. As if the same thing is on his mind, he smirks and goes back into the kitchen. Lord, it just got extremely hot in here.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," I tell Sophie. "I'll be right back."

"Don't you dare leave me to open these gifts alone."

"Never." I chuckle.

I walk down the hallway and go into the bathroom. And yup, my skin is flushed. When does Jackson ever not have me like this? From thoughts of him, memories of him, hopes for what else is to come with him. I lean over and splash some water on my face. Drying it on the towel, I hear footsteps coming closer to the bathroom. I get excited, thinking it's Jackson, hoping he's followed me here, ready to bend me over this sink or fuck me against the wall. I bite down on my bottom lip to try and hide my smile as I tear the door open.

But it's not Jackson. It's Luis.

"Oh." My smile dims. "Do you need to use the bathroom?"

He grins. "No, I came looking for you."

I arch a brow. "In the bathroom?"

He leans against the doorframe, far too close to me, and also blocking my way out.

"Well, I've been trying to get your attention out there, but Sophie and Lexa are keeping you pretty busy."

"Yeah. I should probably get back to them anyway. Don't wanna miss the gifts getting opened."

He doesn't move, though.

"Excuse me," I say, giving him a tight smile.

He still doesn't move.

"You know, I've always had a thing for you. I was real happy when I heard you'd gotten the transplant."

"Thanks. I really have to get going."

He chuckles. "The party's not going anywhere."

"And apparently, you aren't either."

His smile drops then. "You don't have to be rude about it. I'm just trying to tell you I'd like to take you out."

"And I'm telling you the same thing I did before, no thank you."

I'm over feeling trapped, so I turn sideways to pass him. But his hand snaps out, wrapping around my forearm. My eyes jerk to his, finding a hardness in his gaze that wasn't there before.

"What the fuck..." I begin, but before I can even finish, Luis’ grip is gone and he’s stumbling backwards.

I blink at Jackson slamming Luis into the wall across from me. His nostrils are flared, mouth in a grim line as he glares at Luis.
