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“You’re Arthur Bailey’s daughter that just came into town! Ma’am, I want to say that I am so sorry for your loss. Your daddy was a kind man, and we all miss seeing him,” she says apologetically.

She’s young, probably my age, but I don’t recognize her. Then again, anytime I came to Cannon Falls I was only at the ranch and around people that worked for my dad. I look at the girl’s face. She’s pretty, but her eye makeup is too dark, and she has too much blush on her cheeks. She’s wearing a crop top and short shorts and her nails are painted a bright red.

“Thank you, I appreciate it. What’s your name?” I ask, trying to divert the conversation away from my dead father.

“Hannah. It’s good to meet you. If any of these clothes don’t fit, just bring ‘em in and we’ll get you some new ones,” she says, eyeing me up and down and making me feel even more insecure.

“Thanks,” I say, grabbing my card and bags and rushing out the door.



I metClaire in the grocery store and checked out with her. As we are loading everything into her truck, a man rushes into the parking lot to stop us.

He has longer, salt and pepper hair with a beard to match. His eyes are that same sapphire blue like Hunter’s, and many of their facial features are the same as well, so I can’t help but guess that this is Ezra Brooks, his father.

He’s wearing a blue flannel and overalls, set with brown boots and a brown cowboy hat. His voice is deep and authoritative. I immediately don’t like it, and from Claire’s sudden change in demeanor, I also don’t like him.

“This must be the famous Ali Bailey. I wanted to introduce myself, my name is Ezra Brooks. I own the ranch across from your dad’s.” He introduces himself with a straight face and outstretched palm in offering, but I don’t shake it.

“She knows who you are, Ezra. Your boy already did the only introductions she needs,” Claire snaps and he glares at her.

“Afternoon to you too, Claire. I see you’re as spicy as ever.” He tips his hat at her, but she ignores him and finishes loading everything into the truck.

“I just wanted to say ma’am, that I’m awfully sorry to hear about your father’s passin’. He was a great man and all-”

“Oh will you just cut the bullshit, Ezra!” Claire interrupts, stalking forward with her hands on her hips.

“Everyone and their mama in this town knows that you hated Arthur. So don’t come over here with some fake apology as an excuse to weasel your way into his daughter’s business. We don’t want your offer or your respects, for the last damn time.” Claire grabs my arm and pulls me to the truck, but I don’t miss Ezra’s smirk or the evil glare in his eyes.

“It was great meeting you, Miss Ali. You know where to find me,” he calls out behind us.

“She won’t be lookin’ for you, Ezra,” Claire huffs out as she slams the door and starts the truck.

I paused entering the truck and stared at Hunter’s father. His eyes narrow on me and the energy coming off him is more sinister than Hell’s flames. I blink out of my stare and get into the truck, shutting the door just in time as Claire peels out of the parking lot and back towards the ranch.

“Arrogant son of a bitch! Got some nerve comin’ up to us, I’ll tell you what!” Claire huffs as she drives, but I am frozen still as I realize she mentioned Ezra having an offer.

Did she know about the encounter I had with Hunter in the kitchen? Did someone see us and say something to her? There’s no way. She would’ve mentioned it to me first.

“Ezra made an offer on Dad’s ranch?” I question, trying not to give anything away.

She scoffs as she speeds down the winding, dirt roads.

“Sure has. Many times. Started when your daddy bought the land and he hasn’t stopped since. Not even the day after everyone found out Arthur had passed. He came to the house with a bouquet of flowers and a big, fat, stupid number written on a paper attached to em’.”

Wow. These men really are relentless.

“What’s the big deal to them anyway?” I ask. “Why are they so bent on buying Bailey Ranch?” She sighs and grips the steering wheel at my questioning.

“Your daddy came to Cannon Falls as the first official businessman this town has seen. He was also the first man to settle here with a college degree. Everyone was intimidated, including Ezra. Especially when your dad outbid him in the auction for the land Bailey Ranch sits on now. He says your daddy stole his land and family legacy. Not Arthur’s fault for actually knowin’ how to run a successful business. Can’t fix stupid.” She huffs and I sit back in confusion.

“Legacy?” I ask and she looks over at me.

“Brooks Ranch has been here since Cannon Falls became a township. They’ve been the main livestock and produce producers here and in the surrounding townships since. Your daddy trumped him when he came into town, put them into debt when Bailey Ranch started flourishing,” she explains, and everything starts clicking.
