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As soon as his tongue slides down and snakes right up and into my pussy, I’m a goner.

I bite my hand to muffle my scream as my orgasm rushes to the surface.

“Yeah, that’s right, Red. Come on my tongue,” he growls. “Come all over my fuckin’ face darlin’.” And I do.

I come long and hard and he eats it all up, licking at me like a deprived beast and pulling another orgasm from me, rubbing my thighs and cooing at me as I come down. I feel like I’m on cloud nine, everything is a blissful haze.

This man just gave me the greatest orgasm of my life, not to mention he’s the first person to ever touch me intimately. My heart and mind are at war as my body buzzes on the bed.

Hunter licks his lips and gets up, smoothing my drenched panties back in place as he leans over me to bite and suck my lower lip into his mouth.

“You taste so fucking sweet, baby.” I preen at his words and term of endearment, loving this tender side that is peeking out of him.

He pulls me up and dresses me in my yoga pants, picking my feet up and placing them inside the fabric like a princess. It’s so fucking confusing, but I like it.

Once he stands and rubs my shoulders, his blue eyes burn into mine. Something new shines in them, something like a small bit of adoration. I cling to it as I melt before him. His rough fingers tangle and twirl a wave of my hair. I sigh in bliss.

What is this man doing to me?

“That was a lovely surprise, Red, but it’s not why I came to visit. Let’s sit down so we can rediscuss my offer,” he says and everything comes to a screeching halt.

That fucking bastard! I should’ve known. All he wants is this place and I just happen to be an open pair of legs that lives in it. I feel so fucking stupid.

“Get the fuck away from me! Get out now!” I shout, pushing him away and slapping him hard in the chest.

He stares at me with wide eyes, almost like he’s confused or upset about my sudden burst of rage, which leads me to believe that he’s really used to getting what he wants, especially from women. And it makes me feel even more stupid. It makes me feel cheap and I have to force the sudden tears back down my throat. He doesn’t deserve to see my hurt. He doesn’t deserve anything from me.

“Get out and don’t ever come near me or my land again! You’re a bastard and I hate you!” I scream and he backs up, glaring at me.

“You may hate me, Alison, but know this,” he says, staring at me with dark eyes.

“Your pussy just became mine and it doesn’t hate me one bit. I’d like to see you try to keep me away.”

That son of a bitch!

“Get. The. Fuck. Out.” I snarl like a tiger, and he narrows his eyes before turning and slamming the door behind him, my new pictures shaking on the walls.

I turn and fall face first into the comfort of my bed, letting the tears fall freely.

For the first time since my father died, I cry.



I leave her house with a fucking headache. As sweet and lush as that woman is, she is a viper when she’s pissed off. I wipe my mustache, traces of her wetness still lingering on my mouth. I hop in my truck and speed off Bailey Ranch with angry, squealing tires, dirt flying in the wind behind me.

My father has been trying to get this ranch for years and for a moment, I thought it may be possible with Arthur dead, but I should’ve known that man gave birth to a viking. A viking with luscious curves, crazy red hair and the most interesting pair of hazel eyes that I’ve ever seen. Before getting on Ali’s bad side, I also thought I could have that woman in the palm of my hand. She’s pliant and soft, easy to break, but once you get under that hard exterior, it seems there’s a hell of a lot more to her than just what meets the surface.

Her pussy may be happy to submit to me, but her mind is another matter. It seems her mind is heavily guarded by her heart and that may just be my next task to check off my to-do list: Woo the great Alison Bailey. Make her think I want nothing to do with the land and everything to do with her. Which is not completely dishonest of me, as I wantlotsof things to do with her, namely, her pussy.

But the task is a lot harder to accomplish it seems. It’s going to take time and caution, two things I don’t really have on my side right now. Dad’s been on my ass even harder and he’s a rougher man than I am. He’s cutthroat and nasty, never playing by the rules. I, on the other hand, like to observe. I like to note every minor detail when it comes to my opponent. That way when I finally step in the ring, it’s a sure win. And I will win when it comes to Alison Bailey.

I pull up to my family ranch and hop out when I see one of our cattle lying in the driveway. That stupid bastard Finch is the worst employee we’ve had here thus far. I’ve caught him napping out in the pastures more than I’ve actually seen him work. I slam my truck door and approach the calf, groaning when I see blood pouring from one of its feet. As I approach, I see a huge chunk of glass stuck in its foot. When I pull it out, the calf wails in pain and I notice that the glass is from a beer bottle, one of my dad’s beer bottles to be exact.

“Fucking lush,” I growl before grabbing a handkerchief from my pocket and wrapping it around the calf’s foot.

“Bill!” I holler, watching the old man in overalls slowly make his way over to me and the calf.
