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“When I found out that I inherited the ranch, I met with a banker that wanted to give me an offer,” I say, and Claire’s face pales while Earl’s becomes red.

“I didn’t accept the offer, so don’t freak out, but I will admit that while I’ve been here, I’ve been worried about my decision to actually keep the ranch going or not. I have no idea what I’m doing. I went to school for literature, not running a business, but I love you all too much to sell. Your lives are this ranch. My father’s legacy is this ranch,” I say, sipping my tea as a pang of grief hits my heart when I think of my dad.

“I can’t leave this place, not yet. I don’t know what I’m doing, and I don’t know how to continue running this or even make it more successful, but you know. You all know. So I need your help,” I say and they all nod in agreement, except my mother, who no matter how pissed she may be at me, she doesn’t want me to stay here forever and throw my degree away.

“Claire, I know you’ll be busy with the vet’s office, but can you still help with the books and finances here?” I ask and she offers me a kind smile.

“Of course, sweetheart. I couldn’t imagine not working for Bailey Ranch, this place is my home,” she says softly, making me more comfortable with my decision as I look at Earl.

“Earl, I know you’re probably tired. You’ve been working here on the grounds for so long, but you know this place better than anyone and I trust you with my life. I trust you as much as my father did. I want to make you a partner. The main man actually. I’d much rather assist you, see if you could teach me the ropes,” I say, and he reaches over the table, holding my hands in his rough, old palms.

“Ali, I’m always here for you and your family, but are you sure about this?” he asks, trying to hide his excitement as I nod at him.

“I couldn’t imagine anyone else running this place,” I say warmly, and he pats my hands, blowing out a whistle of happiness.

“And what about your degree?” my mother says, eyes still narrowed.

Jesus, will anything please this woman?

“One thing at a time, Mom. Support me on this. Please,” I say, glancing over at her as she grabs her mug and sips from it.

“You always have my support, kid. I just want you to be happy. And to stay away from that Brooks boy,” she says, the mention of Hunter sending a strange buzz through my body.

Will I ever not have this reaction to him? Is it possible to forget the heat of his kisses, the feel of his rough hands on my skin? Or am I signing myself up for a daily disappointment?

“Don’t worry, Mom. Hunter Brooks is nothing to me,” I say, wishing I could believe the words that just left my mouth.

“Then it’s settled,” she says, excusing herself to use the restroom.

I spend the rest of the day going over logistics and assigning duties to everyone on the ranch while Earl gives me a rundown of the day-to-day operations. Anytime I start to get overwhelmed, my mind drifts and it always goes back to a pair of hauntingly beautiful sapphire eyes.


It’s beentwo weeks since my mom came to visit. She stayed for a few days before booking the next flight back to Seattle, taking my cheap rental car with her. I wish she could’ve stayed longer. My mom helps me dissect a lot of my troubling thoughts, but she also aids them with her constant scrutinization. I can see why she and my dad split up and why she moved back to the city. This life is just simply not meant for her. I never thought it was meant for me either, but I’m growing used to waking up from rooster calls at five in the morning and going to feed the horses.

I told Earl I don’t know much about cattle, didn’t really care to, but that’s the biggest part of this business and even though he’s in charge of them and the rest of the livestock, I have to attend the next auction when it comes to town in a few days. He’s been super helpful with educating me on everything, but at times I get too distracted. The vet clinic opens tomorrow, and I’ve been helping Marley, not to mention it’s been nearly impossible to get Hunter Brooks off my mind.

He and his father heeded my threat, I’ve yet to see them anywhere near my property, but this town is small and it’s also impossible not to run into them in town. I’ve avoided going much, but I get stir crazy and often have to go shopping since Claire is busy with helping Marley.

We’ve planned a large community party here to celebrate the opening of Marley & Bailey’s clinic. The party will be at the ranch, open invitation so we can pass out flyers and pricing to all the residents of Cannon Falls. It’s been a long process, but the clinic is beautiful and the event company I hired from Yellowstone is already setting up here at the ranch, everything is perfect and exactly as I imagined.

Fresh flowers are in vases on every surface. The large yard behind the house is filled with white canopy tents and tables, a portable bar with its own bartender, servers with trays and a catering company that’s created the best menu. I wanted Marley to be excited about her adventure and what’s more exciting than a party?

I’m upstairs finishing my hair, the abundant strawberry curls cascading around my made-up face. I haven’t worn makeup much, since I’m constantly sweating outside. The air is starting to get colder, Indian Summer coming and going faster than I expected, but the night is warm tonight thank God. I chose to wear my favorite red dress that I brought with me. The back is open and the cut slinks down perfectly to cover yet accentuate my ample cleavage. It’s long, but there’s a slit up the side to show off my gold, strappy heels.

I said for it to be a formal event, wanting to create something new for the town. Everyone walks around in flannel and jeans every day, so they deserve to feel elegant for once. I certainly missed it.

I’m putting on my gold, dangly earrings when Marley walks in my bedroom, her blond hair pin straight and falling down her open back as she stands in the most beautiful blue dress I’ve ever seen. It’s sparkly, long and has a sweetheart cut to show off her breasts that I didn’t even know she had since they’re always hidden beneath t-shirts.

“Jesus, Marley. You look amazing,” I say, and she blushes.

“You really think so? I’ve never worn anything like this,” she says, smoothing her hands over her dress.

I get up and hold her hands, smiling at her as I spin her around.

“Abso-fucking-lutely yes,” I say, and she laughs before looking down at her silver heels.

“Do you think Rob will like it?” she asks shyly and I can’t help but gush for them.
