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Great, what now?

“What is it?” I ask tentatively, standing in the entryway as she gestures for me to sit down.

“That was Claire on the phone. We need to talk about some things,” she says calmly, her eyes open and honest, holding zero judgment.

Suddenly, I feel skeptical.

“I’m not ready to talk about what he did, Mom. I’m sorry, I just-”

“I already know what he did, Claire told me. We need to talk about what he did after you left yesterday,” she says, her features soft and warm as I raise an eyebrow at her.

“What do you mean? He went back to the house? After Earl threatened to shoot him?”

He really is a psychopath. A manipulative, lying psychopath with the bluest eyes that I’ve ever seen.

Stop it, Ali. He’s the enemy. The enemy that destroyed you and everything you’ve worked for.

“I don’t care about what he did, Mom. I don’t want to hear about him anymore. I want to forget that I ever met him,” I whisper brokenly, not even strong enough to say his name out loud.

“Baby, a lot has happened and you need to hear it. Just sit down, please,” she says, a hint of sternness in her voice as I sigh and sit down on the couch across from her.

“Claire told me everything, so I want you to know that I am not defending him. He did an awful thing-”

“An unforgivable thing,” I interrupt, fidgeting with my pajama sleeves.

“An awful thing, but I do believe that he didn’t want to do it anymore. He didn’t want to go through with his father’s games when he met you, Ali, and you have to believe that,” she says, making me whip my eyes to hers as I scoff in disbelief.

He really is the master of manipulation.

“My god, youaredefending him! It was his plan, Mom. His fucking idea that he signed on and continued to play out while he was withme,” I hiss, not wanting to admit the truth to her, but needing to defend myself and the pain that he fucking caused me.

“He took my virginity, Mom. He made me fall in love with him knowing that he was planning to sabotage not only my life, but everyone else involved as well!”I huff, rubbing my face with frustrated hands.

She’s quiet for a minute, taking in my words before she sighs and sets her coffee cup down on the table.

“I know, Ali. Trust me, if I could punch him right now I would, but you also have to hear him out. He went to explain himself to Earl and Claire. He brought them an offer,” she says, stunning me.

“Another offer on that fucking ranch? Jesus, he doesn’t know when to quit!”

“No, an offer to work for the ranch. An offer to build up the business with his expertise. He’s also involved a lawyer that’s made an agreement stating that if he goes against anyone’s actions or doesn’t uphold his end of the agreement, not only will he get sued, but you get half of the land that he owns on his father’s ranch, the land that partially connects to Arthur’s ranch. Earl and Claire signed the agreement today.”

All of the air has left my chest in one big swoop, my stomach empty except for knots.

“I’m sorry, what did you just say?” I ask quietly, my body shaking with both confusion and anger.

She leans forward, resting a hand on my knee as she looks into my eyes.

“Hunter works for you now. He’s completely at your mercy and if he does anything that violates the agreement, you can take legal action. You can take him foreverything,” she says.

I can’t say anything back to her because I can’t even wrap my fucking head around what’s happening. Hunter sold his father out to work for me? What the fuck?

“You’ve worked so hard on this ranch, Ali, and I know it wasn’t your original dream, but when I went there, I could see how happy you were, how you made it your home. I also talked with Marley, who put in a good word for you at the elementary school before you left. They want to meet you. You have an opportunity here to not only carry on your dad’s legacy, and make amazing money doing it, but you can also follow your dreams too. I know you wanted to travel, which you can still do, but you also wanted to settle down and teach when you were done.” She grabs my hands, forcing me to focus on her as she continues to speak.

“Even if you can’t forgive him for what he’s done, you can take this agreement and work for what’s best. He loves you, Ali, but that doesn’t mean you have to forgive him. That doesn’t mean that you have to punish yourself and your happiness for his mistakes,” she says earnestly.

“He’s tainted everything, Mom. The only memories I have there now are memories of his betrayal,” I say, my eyes watering with fresh tears.

“You have better memories there, without him involved, and now you have the opportunity to make even more. Just think it over. Think about what’s best for you and your future, for your happiness,” she says and I slump back onto the couch, my mind racing with all of this information as well as the endless decisions that I have to make.
