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Even though I am hurt and angry, even though I want to hate him for all he’s worth, my mother is right. I have to do what’s best for me and my happiness, and I don’t think my happiness is in Seattle anymore.



It’s been three weeks since Ali left and the hole in my heart has shrunk a little, but it’s still there, gaping and bleeding every day.

The first week working at Bailey Ranch was hard, since everyone fucking hated me, but over time, we grew to admire each other’s work and ideas. I know how to breed livestock well, something they needed with the purchase of the new cattle. I also could build much better and faster than the rest of the staff, so they’ve set me up with a project of building new barns for the new cows and their offspring. Earl hired a couple of contractors, and the project is already coming along well.

I revamped one of the old, small sheds in the very back of the ranch near the mountains, trying to replicate my cabin as best as I could. It’s small and quaint, modernized a bit as I wanted to create something a little newer, but also wanted to make it feel like home. I installed plumbing and electric within the first week, building a small kitchen and bathroom right after. The living room is small since I had to cut out some walls and build in my bedroom, but it’s coming along and looks more than livable. When Earl saw the nearly finished project yesterday, he had the idea of creating a small living compound for the workers and future volunteers to help out since business is growing. Needless to say, I have my work cut out for me and an even busier schedule than I had before.

The problem is it still feels cold and empty without Ali here. I rarely go inside the main house because the ghost of her still walks those halls. I cook most of my meals on the grill outside my small house, but Claire has forced me to come inside for her Sunday roast since it’s practically winter here. Everyone has become more welcoming, now that they’ve learned my story and the true nature of my father, and even Marley has warmed up. I recommended some volunteers to help her at the clinic that I used for my animals on my dad’s ranch, since she’s taking house calls now and has to drive a lot. It seems all has been forgiven by everyone, except the person that matters most, my beautiful flower.

I’m directing the contractors at the front of the house, going over the blueprints for both the barns and the housing compound. We’re in mid-October and the temperature has already dropped tremendously, so I know we’re due for snow really soon and I at least want to get the structures built before it comes.

I hear tires drive down the gravel driveway, my head tilting in confusion when I see a minivan pull up. I thought all my contractors were already here, and I don’t know a single worker that drives a minivan, so I stop to inspect, freezing completely when I see the most beautiful woman with strawberry hair step out of the vehicle, luggage in hand.

In the three weeks that she’s been gone, Ali has grown even more stunning. She’s cut her hair, the strawberry locks short at the top of her back and long in the front to where the strands rest on the tops of her breasts, straightened out with bangs resting across her forehead. She’s painted her lips red and wears a pair of thick, black cat eyeglasses. My eyes travel down her body, tensing when I see that she’s lost weight. She’s wearing a pair of form fitting, high waisted black pants with a gray knit sweater tucked in, her black pea coat draped around her. I watch her knee length, tan and high heeled boots walk along the path, her red nails shining in the light as she drags her luggage at her side, stopping when she sees me.

She’s so fucking beautiful that I’m rendered speechless, though I have half the mind to berate her because I know she hasn’t been eating and a small, angry part of me knows it’s because of what I did to her.

I excuse myself from the contractors, sliding my phone into my thick, denim jacket as I tentatively walk towards her. Her eyes narrow behind her glasses, and she turns away from me in an instant, walking up the porch steps as I rush to follow her.

“Ali, wait. Let me explain everything,” I say, my voice hoarse from the cold.

She stops at the door and turns to look at me, her hazel eyes glaring as they travel down my body before locking on my face when she speaks.

“I already know everything, so you don’t have to explain anything. With that being said, I’ve agreed to let you work here, but that doesn’t mean that I have to speak to you. You have your house that Earl told me about, so we really don’t have much of a reason to cross paths unless there’s something work related that you need to run by me. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to put my luggage up and get my truck keys because I have an interview I need to be at in thirty minutes,” she says in a monotone voice, her hair swinging over her shoulder as she walks inside, slamming the door on my face as I stand in the driveway with trembling hands and narrowed eyes.

She may think that I’ll abide by her wishes now and I’ll let her think that for the sake of her homecoming and interview, but she’s got another think coming if she thinks that I’m going to give up on us. I’m a hard worker when it comes to business, but I’m even harder when it comes to fighting for something that I love.


I’m parkingin the small school parking lot and instead of thinking over what I want to say in my interview, all I can think of is how good Hunter looked when I got home thirty minutes ago.

His hair grew as well as his beard, making him appear even more rough and rugged than before. His muscles are larger and more toned, probably because of all the building and renovations that he’s been doing on the ranch. I have to admit, I am curious to see his converted shed and blueprints for everything else, but I’m not ready to speak to him just yet.

Being back in his presence has all but shattered my calm and cool attitude. When I made the decision to return to Cannon Falls, I made a promise to myself that I would come back stronger and more defensive, especially when it came to Hunter. Now I can see that it’s easier said than done.

I give myself a once-over in my rearview mirror, fixing my new hair and lipstick before I spray myself with some perfume and hop out of the truck with my satchel on my shoulder. I’m eager to meet with the board and to see what the school looks like. I’ve always wanted to teach, especially after helping my mother with so many after school projects and events that she’s done over her career. I also can’t wait to see the look on the children’s faces when they finally read a book that they fall in love with. I can’t wait to share that love and encourage them to keep reading just as my teachers did when I was little.

When I step inside the small school, a sweet, gray haired woman with glasses approaches me with a hug and pulls me into the office behind the front desk. She is Marley’s customer, Sherry, and she is so sweet and welcoming. She introduces me to the principal and vice principal, grabbing me a glass of water as I sit down and hand them my resume to look over.

“I only needed this to see your degree, you’re already hired,” Melissa, the principal with short brown hair says with a smile.

“Are you serious? Don’t you want to ask me more questions-”

“Not needed. Marley has given us great reviews and you’re more than qualified. We’ve already contacted your college and gotten amazing feedback. The kids will love you. I can see that just by looking at you,” John Freely, the young vice principal says to me, a smile on his wide lips.

He’s charmingly handsome, with bright blue eyes and slicked back, icy blond hair. His outfit is nicer than I’ve seen on most men around here, a white button up shirt tucked into a pair of gray slacks, his leather loafers sticking out from beneath the conference table.

“We’ll send you home with the current curriculum. Will you be able to start after Thanksgiving?” Melissa asks and I nod enthusiastically, overjoyed with the fact that I now teach a fourth-grade class.

“Yes, absolutely. Thank you so much! I’m so excited!” I say, getting up to shake their hands, noticing that John holds mine a little tighter as he winks at me.

“Great, we will see you then. Come in next week for paperwork and we will introduce you to the class,” Melissa says before we say our goodbyes and I leave the school with a full heart and a wide smile, driving back to the house with so much giddiness, I almost forget that Hunter is living and working on my property.

When I pull into the driveway, Hunter, Earl and Claire are all talking on the porch. I take a deep breath, grabbing my satchel as I plaster a smile on my face when I leave the truck and walk up the stairs.
