Page 20 of Her Heart's Desire

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She quickly stepped inside, closed the door, and dove for the shadows.

Footsteps rang on the concrete floor as the intruder stepped inside. A flashlight beam split the darkness.

“Is anyone there?” the trespasser shouted.

She gasped and sprang to her feet. “Tad?”

Suddenly, athudrang out, followed by Tad’s outraged male bellow.

She scrambled out of her hiding place. The fallen flashlight illuminated Tad and Jake wrestling on the floor, struggling for domination. She rushed over to grab the flashlight and beam it at the fighting men.

“Stop it immediately, you idiots.”

Jake hesitated for a moment, frowning at her.

Tad threw a wild punch, landing a glancing blow off Jake’s chin, then looked at Samantha and released a startled gasp.

“Sis, what are you doing here?”

She gazed at her little brother in horror. How could he have betrayed their father this way? “That’s what I want to know. How could you be disloyal to Dad this way?”

“Stay out of this, Samantha.” Jake rolled to his feet. “This is police business now.” He bent to jerk Tad up by his collar.

“Police,” Tad gasped. He reached for his dropped attaché case. His feet stumbled for a steady footing as he jerked out of Jake’s grasp.

She willed herself to calm down. Tad’s shocked reaction at the police mention wasn’t that of a criminal.

“Before we take this any further, I suggest we go inside. I need to fix you both up with ice packs for your wounds.”

Jake pushed Tad forward. “All right, Tad, let’s follow the lady.”

She noticed Jake’s limp as he followed a glowering Tad. His knee was acting up again, thanks to the tussle with her brother. The Logan family was responsible for causing him much pain this week.

“Your knee’s bothering you again.”

“I’m okay. Maybe you can give me one of your Evening Primrose pills.”

“Sure thing.” He had to be hurting badly to ask for one. Noting the grim set of his mouth, she knew he was far from okay. She walked up to him and put her arm around his waist. His taut muscles rippled at her touch. “Lean on me.”

Tad turned, scowling. “You two are pretty cozy.”

Tad’s scornful glare raked over the two of them, and her temper boiled over.

“You have no right to question my conduct after the stunt you pulled tonight.” From the corner of her eye, she noticed Jake’s masculine, self-satisfied smile and sighed.Men!She thought about moving away, but Jake seemed to read her thoughts and clung even closer to her side.

They followed Tad through the cabin door. “You’ve got a lot of explaining to do, Tad.”


She let go of Jake and rounded on her brother. “Have you been stealing from the firm? I told Jake it couldn’t be you, that there had to be some explanation, some mitigating circumstance.”

“Why don’t you both leave me alone?” Tad backed away. “I haven’t done anything wrong.”

Jake held up a hand. “Hold the interrogation while I make us some coffee. I think we’re going to need it.”

She cast a concerned glance Jake’s way. Was he hurt worse than she’d thought?

“I’ll go get those pills.” She rushed to the bathroom and got the bottle, then ran back to the kitchen with it.
