Page 21 of Her Heart's Desire

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“Thanks.” Jake took the bottle from her. He glanced at Tad. “Want one kid? They’re good for cramps.”

“No, thanks.”

“I’ll pour the coffee,” she stated, looking for something to do. She glanced at Tad, standing close to the door. He wouldn’t meet her eyes.

Hewasguilty. She still couldn’t wrap her mind around that horrifying fact. Heartsick, she turned back to the coffee maker.

Jake looked at Samantha and took the cups out of her hands. “I’ll do that, Sunshine. You sit down.” He turned to look at Tad. “Well, why don’t you tell us what’s been going on.”

Tad set his attaché case in the corner and then dropped into a chair. “What makes you think anything is going on? This is my family’s cabin, after all. I’m here on vacation.”

Jake chuckled. “Boy, does that ever sound familiar. Seems to run in the family.”

She chose to take the high road and ignore Jake’s comment.

Tad frowned at her. “What are you doing here, sis? Grayson’s been pretty tight-lipped about the whole thing. Pop’s got the goon squad out looking for you.” Tad looked up at Jake and blanched. “No offense intended, Mr. Ramsey. It’s just a family joke between us kids.”

“I’m well aware of that. Samuel didn’t need to worry about your sister. She’s in good hands.”

Tad scowled, watching her smile as she took the mug Jake handed her. “I’m not so sure of that. Has he been bothering you?”

His accusatory tone was the last straw. She had nothing to apologize for. Grayson was the one who had betrayed her, but that wasn’t a subject she would discuss right now. “I’m fine. I’m a big girl, Tad, and I can take care of myself.”

Jake shoved a mug Tad’s way. “This is getting a bit off base. I believe you were going to tell us what you’re doing here, Tad. And spare me any of your cock and bull stories. I know you’re not here on vacation. I intercepted your email about the drop.”

Tad gulped. “I don’t know what you mean.”

Jake pointed at the attaché Tad had leaned against the wall. “How long have you been stealing from your father?”

Samantha tensed, dreading her brother’s answer. She glanced at the attaché he’d brought with him, and her heart sank. At his continued silence, she turned to glance at him. His outrage seemed to evaporate right before her eyes. He now looked like the scared kid he was.

“This is the first time.” Tad’s voice broke. “I promise.”

“I find that hard to believe. The losses have occurred for six months since you joined the firm.”

“I swear, this is the first time. And, anyway, I didn’t steal anything.”

Jake shook his head. “Oh sure, you were going to sell false information.”

Tad nodded. “That’s what I was going to do.” He got up and retrieved the attaché, opening it to pull out a manila envelope. “I swapped the file they wanted.”

Samantha noticed Jake’s intrigued expression and hope bloomed back to life. Her faith in her brother’s innocence wasn’t misplaced, after all.

He handed the envelope to Jake. “I was trying to buy some time. I could turn them in if I could catch the blackmailer.”


She gasped. “You’re being blackmailed? Why? About what?”

Tad shook his head. “Not me. A friend of mine was blackmailed. I’ve got to help her. I’m her only hope.”

“Her?” Jake asked dryly.

“Who is she?” she asked.

“I promised I wouldn’t tell.”

“You don’t have any choice,” Jake stated flatly.
