Page 22 of Chase's Human Mate

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Too bad I don’t have x-ray vision.

So far, I am up $60,000 and Madison is beaming. Game after game I stay at the table while other players come and go.

“Now without further ado, let’s announce the winner of this incredible poker showdown. The one who will be taking home the final prize of $100,000!” The dealer of the game pauses allowing the weight of the moment to settle down on the room.

“Drumroll please,” he indicates to the small band that’s been playing jazz all evening.

“Our champion is none other than the stranger just passing through, newcomer, Chase!”

The room reverberates with applause. The remaining players at the table are not too pleased but Madison runs over and jumps on me wrapping her legs around my waist and hugging me tightly before she blushes and climbs down.

“That was thrilling,” she says between jagged breaths.

My heart is beating so loudly in my chest I can hardly breathe.

After we cash out our winnings, we head back to the motel room we reserved next-door to Dustin’s. This was where we all agreed to meet after we all were done for the night.

Drew and Ash are already there when we arrive.

“How’d you do?” Ash asks and by the levity in his voice I can tell he did well himself.

“I walked away with $150,000 total.” I say a hint of pride in my voice. I guess I am abetter player than I thought I was.

“Whoa, that’s a lot of money dude.” Drew says, “I only got $50,000.”

“And I got $80,000” Ash says rather pleased with himself.

“So that puts us at $280,000!” Madison whispers loud enough she might as well be shouting.

“Where’s Isaiah?” I ask.

“He’s not back yet and I went by Dustin’s room but he’s not there either.” Ash says a little tense.

“We can definitely buy a place with the earnings we’ve acquired so far,” I say breathing out a sigh of relief. It might not be able to be the biggest or the fanciest place, but it will be ours.

“I’m seeing the consistent use of flush toilets in our near future.” Madison laughs and everyone else joins in.

“Not going to lie I am looking forward to having my own bed again.” I say smiling wide.

“I hear that man,” Ash adds.

“While we wait for Isaiah, I am going to hop in and take a shower if you guys don’t mind.” Madison says blushing a little.

“Go ahead Madison, enjoy the hot water. I did when I first got back, and I feel brand new.” Says Ash.

Drew remains at the motel keeping an eye on Madison while Ash and I are out searching for Isaiah. It’s been way too long since he left, and all his calls are going unanswered.

Following our noses Ash and I are led to the same alley where we first met Dustin. The darkness is vast and deep. No streetlights reach this area. An ominous silence settles over the deserted corridor.

“Something isn’t right,” I mutter so quietly that no human ears can pick up on my words. A sense of foreboding washes over me.

“Do you see that?” Ash says back in the same low tone.

I follow his eyes and notice a darker spot on the ground in the alley up ahead of us. The faintest movement paired with Isaiah’s strong scent causes my stomach to drop.

“That must be Isaiah,” we pick up our pace.

As we get closer my eyes widen, Isaiah is sprawled out on the cold ground unconscious. Panic surges through me and I rush to Isaiah’s side dropping down beside him.
