Page 30 of Chase's Human Mate

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“Drew you’re coming with me. I want to see if you recognize anyone at all from the town where we picked you up.”

Drew nods but says nothing.

“Let’s get to the bottom of this, find those missing shifters, and clear our names. Pack, move out.”

With that last direction, we get to our feet and move off to tackle our assigned tasks.

“Madison,” Chase stops me in the hallway gently grabbing my wrist and pulls me into a hug. My breath catches in my throat as he kisses me. “Be safe and do not hesitate to call on Isaiah if anything feels off at all. You know where the computer is?”

“In your room, right?” I ask.

“In the top drawer and it’s already connected to Wi-Fi.” He states.

“We have no furniture but we have Wi-Fi, good thing we’ve got our priorities straight.” I say with a smile on my lips and love in my heart. Wait, Love?

“Good thing,” he says with a wink. “We’ll see you soon.”

In Chase’s room I set up his computer while sitting cross-legged on his mattress. It feels oddly invasive being in his space without him here, but I don’t see the point in going anywhere else in the house especially after I realized the Wi-Fi router is in his room.

The laptop screen glows as I delve into the depths of the internet. While living with Jax, I got good at doing deep dives into websites and then covering my tracks.

Now navigating my way through obscure forums in hidden corners of the internet I find conversations where whispers of the underground information about the shifter communities linger.

The keys click softly beneath my fingers as I lose myself to the mysterious world of the supernatural. The outside world fades away around me.

The Sun dips beneath the horizon line and before long I am shrouded in darkness save the light of the glowing laptop.

The cursor blinks in anticipation as I scour through forum after forum. So far, I’ve only scratched the surface, but a feeling of excitement begins to spread from my fingers up to my chest. Like pulling a thread, I find myself unraveling bits and pieces of this mystery.

Finally, I find a thread on a small obscure blog, it is filled with pseudonyms and coded language, but I press on regardless. There is something here, I just know there is.

One user, going by the moniker SilverHowl23, claims to have witnessed similar lab-coated individuals in a different state, conducting experiments on unsuspecting shifters. A shiver runs down my spine. According to this mysterious character, the missing shifters might be part of a more extensive, organized effort.

My eyes burn as hours pass by staring at the blue glow of the laptop screen. Threads and discussions lead me to a wealth of knowledge, the existence of a black ops group of humans. This group is clandestinely organizing against shifters.

My sore eyes widen as I read about their calculated efforts, the ominous financial backing that fuels their operations, and the systematic approach they take to what seems like a war against shifters.

The missing shifters are almost certainly part of a well-funded initiative to run a myriad of tests on shifters. Not only are the lab coats looking for shifter weaknesses, but they are looking to find out if humans can adapt any of the shifter abilities to humans as well.

My blood curdles as I read on. I glance over my shoulder, half-expecting the room’s shadows to come alive with the lurking presence of those determined adversaries.

The soft murmur of Chase and the others discussing their findings after reconvening in the living room sends a pang of panic through my heart. My new family is putting themselves in harm’s way.

Part of me wants to run downstairs and try to put a stop to this investigation but I know nothing I say will stop their determination. I am certain what I am about to tell them will only solidify their desire to put a stop to this group’s influence.

Even though I know I need to bring this revelation back to the pack I am in no hurry. I can’t hear what they are saying but I doubt any of them have been able to get their hands on the type of information I have from the comfort of Chase’s bed.

Rolling my neck and shrugging my stiff shoulders I am met with a series of pops and cracks. This group is organized, well-funded, and dangerous.

As much as I detest the idea of bringing this news to the group, I know that information is key when it comes to fighting in a war; and whether I like it or not, that’s exactly what this is.

Closing the laptop, I stand and brace myself for what’s to come. With a few deep breaths, I build up the courage to head downstairs and meet with the rest of the pack.

In the living room, the guys are huddled together sans Drew.

“Hey guys,” my voice cracks.

“Madison,” Chase says coming over to my side. He puts a comforting arm over my shoulders.
