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Shutting the door to the office, Chase turns to me and smiles, “You have no idea how much I’ve been looking forward to this all week. This creepy version of Isaiah must go. Once we give it to him, how long until the antidote kicks in?”

“Should be between 10 minutes and an hour. It depends on how deep the bond between the two of them is and how willing he is to sever those ties.” The thought makes me nervous, what if it takes him over an hour? Does that mean he doesn’t want to let her go? Could I survive something like that?

“Like whether or not he has Stockholm syndrome?” Chase asks and Madison tilts her head, she wants to know too.

“In a sense,” I say thinking about whether there is a better way to put it. There isn’t, Chase has a relatively straightforward way of viewing things, I suppose that’s part of what makes him a great Alpha. “He just needs to swallow it down and within an hour we will see what happens.”

“Lorelei, I need you to wait in the office, okay? I don’t want Isaiah catching on to what we are attempting here. Either Isaiah will step through those doors, or one of us will, shortly, to let you know how the antidote worked.”

“Want me to stay with you?” Madison asks, rubbing my arm.

“You’re the best friend a girl could ask for, but I think I need a little time alone if that’s alright.”

Pulling me into a hug she kisses my cheek, “Of course, that’s alright, whatever YOU need.”

Time passes slowly, each second ticking somehow stretches into minutes. Did he take the antidote? Did he fight it? Ever since I stepped foot into this office my head has been swirling with worst-case scenarios and what if’s.

Trying to help the wait be a little less insufferable, I pull out my small journal into which I keep track of my potion brewing schedules, custom orders, and supplies. Dustin managed, and don’t ask me how, to get his hands on one of the DHS supernatural detector machines. Everyone who has taken the ‘Hide Me’ potion, has registered as human with that machine.

The underground gossip network went crazy after the results of the tests were known and before I knew it, I was completely slammed with ‘Hide Me’ orders. At this point, I’ve been so busy with those orders that I’ve had to reduce store hours. And it seems it will stay that way, at least for the foreseeable future.

DHS is still around asking questions, but they’ve recently backed off considerably. This potion might be the answer, for now. Many shifters think so and I am inclined to agree. It’s a wayto skip out on paranormal carnage.I’m rather proud of myself for this one.

The rattling of the doorknob causes me to jump and fall out of the chair I was perched on. I scramble to my feet just quick enough to see Isaiah’s hulking frame in the doorway. Swallowing hard I don’t know what to say, he steps into the office and shuts the door behind him. He looks embarrassed, unsure, vulnerable, ashamed, anxious, all rolled into one beautiful facial expression.

Isaiah steps closer to me and my skin buzzes hopefully. “I certainly made a mess out of things, didn’t I?” He starts, sheepishly.My Isaiah, he’s back.My heart soars through the clouds. I can hardly feel my feet on the floor, a part of me worries that I fell asleep waiting, and this is the beginning of a particularly sick nightmare. “Lorelei, I am so sorry that I yelled at you.”

“Isaiah, please don’t apologize for any of that. This is all my fault, you didn’t even like the fact that I was selling love potions in the first place. I kept on doing it and then, almost as a giant F-You from the universe, one of my creations was used against me and used on you. If anyone made a mess out of things, it’s me. And I am-”

Isaiah’s lips are suddenly pressed against mine, silencing me momentarily, as he scoops me into his arms. Tears slide down my cheeks and I’m trembling with reckless abandon; my over-exhausted and anxiety-ridden body finally gives out.

Isaiah’s eyes sweep over me and something like despair fills his eyes, “Are you alright?”

“You smell surprisingly good for someone who has been chained to the basement floor for over a week,” I note, changing the subject.

“I would have been in here sooner, but I was in desperate need of a shower. Honestly, I might have killed you with my rankness if I hadn’t. And Chase had to explain to me what allhappened to me, how Jessie gave me a powerful love potion, how I left the pack for her, and married her. I’m so, so sorry about all that. I don’t even remember how Jessie got me to take the potion. I’m such an idiot. And I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.” He says with a small hopeful smile.

“After the past two weeks without you I wouldn’t have minded your smell one bit,” I bury my head into his t-shirt clinging onto him with all my might.I never want to let him go.

“Lorelei, have you been sleeping or eating lately? You’ve got dark circles under your eyes, and I can feel your bones.” He asks with great concern in his voice.

“You’ve got some dark circles of your own going on there.” I reply gently touching one of his eyes.

“I was locked up in a basement and drugged every day, what’s your excuse?” He teases.

“My boyfriend was locked up in a basement and drugged every day, not to mention that before he got locked up, as Chase told you, he married another woman and ran off with her.” I counter.

“You got me there,” Isaiah’s face reddens, and his heart rate quickens. “I’m not going to lie. I hope no one ever has to experience something like that ever again in their lives.”

“All of the love potions I had in stock have been destroyed and I promise I won’t be selling any of those ever again.”

“Good,” he says pressing his lips to the top of my forehead. I ache for him, every last part of me wants to consume him, to feel him consume me, to prove to myself that he is here, and he does want me after all and not that other woman.

Lifting my head, I find his eyes already on me, lifting on my tiptoes gingerly I press my lips against his chin and make my way over to his jaw nibbling on his earlobe. He lets out a soft moan and I press my body into his tightly, letting him feel how eager I am to be his again.

His hand slides up my body from my waist and he grips my chin, his thumb presses gently but firmly into one cheek and his index finger into the other. He guides my lips back parallel to his and kisses my lips, slowly at first, and then as I open to him, he slides his tongue into my mouth and devours me.

His cock hardens against my belly, he lifts me swiftly with his free arm carrying me to the couch. I bite his lip as he lowers me down pulling the soft skin between my teeth and he lets out a low guttural moan. Within seconds he’s ripped his clothes off and mine as well.
