Page 46 of Player Problems

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I wink and sigh as Baylor withdraws just in time for the princesses to come and enter our circle, each one rocking their costume even better than the last.

I’ll give it to them, hockey guys sure do know how to party.



Practice and classes seemed harder than usual today. Longer.

Stretching my arms over my head, I arch my back as I yawn. This last class really could not finish fast enough. I start tossing my shit in my bag, thankful I’m finally done. I wait for Wells to finish as we both head out of the lecture hall.

“Plans with Isla tonight?” I ask.

He nods, pulling out his phone. “She’s gone Friday, so I’m taking her out tonight since there’s no afternoon practice.”

A rare light day could not have come at a better time for me, because I am feeling the effects of the last few sessions. Booking a massage is the only thing I should really be doing today. He fucks around on his phone and I pull my own out, my gaze lingering on the picture of Torryn until I forget what I was even going to look up.

If Isla’s busy… she probably doesn’t have anything going on tonight. She doesn’t typically work at the bar in the middle of the week, and tutoring only goes so late. Abandoning my original plan, I pull up my text thread with her and shoot her a message.


plans today?

Her response comes quicker than usual.


Meeting with my advisor right now


Fuck it. When she doesn’t respond right away, I say bye to Wells and head to the administration office. I’m sure I can convince her to hang out with me if she’s not working. Wells gives me a strange look, but I ignore him.

It doesn’t take me long to cut across campus to the administrative building, but she still hasn’t responded by the time I pull the doors open. Maybe she’s already in the meeting with her advisor. I thought she had already declared her major, but maybe she had to meet with them for another reason.

My heart almost stops in my chest when I turn the corner and find Torryn being cornered by some old man. Her chin is lifted as she gives him a defiant look, her arms crossed over her chest in a way that dares him to keep wasting her time. I can’t see his face, but the way he tries to intimidate her with his size by leaning into her personal space pisses me off.

I’m moving before I even have a chance to think it through. Gotta give Tor credit, even as he attempts to get in her face, she never backs down. Doesn’t cower or even shift away from him. But enough is enough.

“Is there a problem here?” I ask, wrapping my hand around Torryn’s arm and pulling her into my side. Surprise flashes in her eyes, but she maintains a neutral look as she arches one brow at the man I now recognize to be an advisor. Paler, if Iremember correctly. He was the advisor that helped Wells’ last year. Apparently, he’s a big hockey fan and was disappointed Wells had no intention of going into the NHL.

“Levine,” he greets, his face lighting up with a smile as he steps back from Torryn and rearranges his expression into something I’m sure he thinks is more pleasant. “Great first exhibition,” he compliments, making Tor roll her eyes.

“Did you need Torryn for anything else, sir?”

Rage flickers in his eyes as he glares at her at my side, but attempts to cover it up. “No, I think we covered everything.” His words are laced with a warning towards her that makes my spine snap even straighter and I roll my neck until it cracks.

“Great,” Torryn says saccharinely. “Then next time you approach me, I will be filing a complaint with the school for harassment and retaliation.” My eyebrows lift in surprise as I stare down at her. Paler pales and I smirk, leading her away from him. Girl can fight her own battles, that’s for damn sure.

“You good?” I ask, as soon as we’re out of the admin building.

She huffs, pulling away from me as she searches in her bag for her phone. “Fine. Dr. Dickhead was bent out of shape that I requested a new advisor.”

“Did he threaten you?” I ask, thinking about her smashed up car.

She shakes her head, finding her phone and sending out a text.

I grab her elbow, stopping her and turn her to face me. “Do you think he’s behind the notes?”
