Page 64 of Player Problems

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My entire body freezes as my eyes land on what I thought was the empty hallway to the employee break room around the corner. No one should be back here. None of the girls. None of the security. And certainly not a hot stranger that had been sitting at my bar nursing drinks for most of the night.

Matteo winks at me as he leans against the far wall, lifting his finger to his lips. Fuck.

“God, Tor, it feels so fucking good when you squeeze me like that.”

The man hiding in the shadows’ grin grows smug as he palms his obvious erection in his dress slacks. The bathroom stalls block Baylor from seeing him where he stands behind me, still pumping in and out in a way that makes it hard to think. But Matteo shouldn’t be able to see much from where he is either. My chest and face, maybe?

Fuck. That shouldn’t be as hot as it is. I can feel my arousal making my cunt slicker with each thrust of Baylor’s cock into me. My orgasm rises and Baylor moans behind me. “I’m close, baby. So close.” His voice low and deep, trembling withhis pleasure in a way that makes his words feel like a guilty confession.

A shiver races down my spine, my pulse racing as I rise to the precipice of pleasure. The blinding ecstasy at the tip of my fingers but just out of reach. Baylor’s breath stutters as he drives into me, pulling my hair as he does and sending me spiraling in my orgasm as it crashes through me and washes every thought except for Baylor behind me, holding me to his chest.

I huff a laugh as he pulls out of me, tying off the condom and tossing it in the trash. I think I blacked out for a second. The smirk playing across his full lips is more than enough to tell me that he most definitely noticed it too. Rolling my eyes, I pull my shorts back up and button them up while Baylor grabs my phone off the floor where it fell at some point. Couldn’t tell you when.

He spins us around, pulling me back against his chest as we face the mirror. Both our faces are flushed, my hair in a complete disarray. Baylor looks as smug as ever, whispering his lips over my exposed shoulder and neck, his fingers finding my nipples. It almost seems like his calling card now. Soft touches and affection laced with lust every time when we both finish. Leaning my head back against his chest, I can’t lie and say I hate it.

His arm bands around my chest and a moment later his teeth sink into the sensitive skin at the base of my neck and he begins to suck, making me whimper. At the sound of his chuckle, my eyes pop open as he releases me, messing around on my phone. I don’t think anything of it, focusing on righting my top to at least partially cover my tits and get to work on attempting to contain my hair into something that doesn’t scream I just got fucked in the bar bathroom.

Baylor hands me my phone back, not even bothering to hide his boyish grin. “Now we’re twins.”

I raise a brow, starting to put my phone back into my back pocket. The flick of his eyes down and the twitch of his lipsstop me and I pull it back, unlocking it. His laugh is full and boisterous as I stare down at a photo he must have snapped when I had my eyes closed. My new background is Baylor and I in the mirror, his arm the only thing covering my chest, his lips pressed against my neck, my eyes closed and a small smile twisting my lips.

“We both have your nudes as our backgrounds.”

A shocked laugh eddies out of me and I shake my head, ignoring the racing of my pulse at his words and putting my phone back in my pocket. “I can’t believe you still have it set as that.”

His thumb wipes over the mark he left on my neck. No way am I hiding that one in this top, or maybe any other top I still own. “Bastard,” I accuse.

“You keep saying that.” He grins, not at all perturbed by my insults. Kissing the top of my head, he moves away from me. “I’ll see you back out there?”

Nodding, I get back to work on fixing my hair and makeup to look slightly more presentable. The door clicks behind him as he leaves and I can’t help but smile as I reapply my lipstick, cleaning up the smudged edges.

A throat clears behind me and I jump. “Jesus, fuck.”

The dark haired stranger lets his eyes wander over the mess of my hair, down my body, and back up, with a gleam of something I don’t understand in his eyes. It’s lust and desire, but not. “Not Jesus,” he teases. “Matteo.”

I readjust my top just for something to do. I forgot he was there. Forgot he offered to pay to see me dance and ended up getting a much more intimate and private show. One I didn’t mean to share with him. One Baylor doesn’t know about…yet. One that I liked probably more than I should have. I didn't think there were still things for me to learn about myself and my desire, but apparently Baylor brings out new things in me.

“I forgot you were here.” His expression looks like he doesn’t quite believe me, but I don’t care either way. “What are you even doing back here?” I ask, realizing once more that he shouldn’t be.

He hums, tapping his knuckles against the bathroom stall. “I wouldn't have asked for you to dance on stage if I had known it would make your boyfriend jealous.”

I narrow my eyes on him. Something about him puts my nerves on edge. Not in a good way. As much as he smiles and teases, there’s a threat that permeates the air surrounding him. “He isn’t and he wasn’t,” I respond, crossing my arms over my chest.

He arches a brow and scoffs, “So he marked you just for fun?”

I click my tongue. “It was fun.”

His laugh surprises me and sends chills down my spine, so different from the way Baylor’s laughter made me feel lighter only minutes ago. “You remind me of someone,” he admits, pulling something out of his pocket. “That’s why I wanted to see you dance, but I realize now you’re just as unattainable as she always was.”

I cock my head in confusion, studying him as he pulls several crisp bills out of the wallet and folds them in half. Rather than leaning into my space to hand them to me, he leans forward to place them on the other side of the counter. I freeze in place, my eyes tracking every small movement.

“I don't hand these out lightly, but I like you, Torryn Gray.” I flinch at the use of my full name. I don’t think I want to know how he learned it. “We can all use a friend sometimes.” He places a black business card on top of the cash. “Use it if you ever need anything or anybody…” he pauses, eyes flicking up to meet mine and holding them. I hold my breath. “Taken care of.” The glimmer in his eye tells me exactly what he means and I have no idea how to respond.

I give him a clipped nod and his smile grows. He whistles as he exits the bathroom and I finally exhale when the door shuts behind him. Taking several deep breaths, I rub my hands over my arms covered in goosebumps from the encounter. It takes me a few moments to gather myself and finally pick up the card he left behind but there’s not much on it. Only the name he freely gave and a phone number with a New York area code. Nothing else.

Should I even keep it?

I hesitate but eventually slip it into my pocket before picking up the cash. My eyes widen as I realize it’s a stack of hundred dollar bills, equaling a lot more than what he promised. More than twice as much.
