Page 76 of Player Problems

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My lips twitch as I poke B in the back. “Baby Bay?” I can’t help it. I will absolutely be calling him that in the future.

“Don’t you start,” he whispers, moving again to try and block me from his brother’s view. Or is he blocking my view of his brother? “No one said you were showing up at my house at the crack of fucking dawn."

I’m not the only one to roll my eyes. “I don’t think anyone considers 8:30 anywhere near dawn,” his brother drawls slowly, amusement dancing over his features as he focuses on where I’m sticking my head out from behind Baylor to observe him. “But I’d be mad too if me and my girl were interrupted. This must be the girl you bought flowers for?”

“You bought a girl flowers?” I ask, side-eyeing Baylor. When? Considering what we spent most of the night doing, that’s kind fucked up if he’s trying to impress another girl.

Beau’s laughter immediately eases my suspicions and Baylor’s groan of frustration brings back my own amusement. “Yes, they were Torryn’s flowers,” he admits, confusing me for a second. “But I already told all of you idiots. I didn’t buy them for her.”

Beau nods emphatically. “Right, you stole them from her.”

I snort, finally catching on to the flowers they’re talking about. “Those flowers?” I ask, disbelief that they’ve become so infamous. Never would I have thought they’d still be haunting Baylor.

“Yes, those stupid fucking flowers,” he growls, glaring at Beau, “that I did not fucking steal.”

“Touchy subject,” his brother drawls, raising his hands in front of his chest. “Anyway,” his eyes lock on mine, his smile softening in a way that reminds me of Baylor. They really do look quite a lot alike. “I’m Dylan, Baylor’s favorite older brother.”

Baylor snorts again. “You can ignore him, Tor.” I ignore Baylor instead, sliding off the counter and bumping him with my hip to push him out of my way.

I walk up to his brother and stick out my hand. “I’m Torryn. It’s nice to meet you even if your brother is a Neanderthal.”

Dylan’s eyes rove over me, but not in a flirty way. Only curiosity and intrigue spark in his eyes as they linger on the neckline of my shirt, or should I say Baylor’s shirt? “I don’t thinkI can blame my brother for that,” he says with a genuine smile. “But I would definitely buy you flowers if you were my girl,” he whispers, mischief coating every syllable.

Large arms band around my waist, and I’m lifted from behind only to be deposited back on the floor, but this time with a wall of a man once again blocking me from Dylan’s sight. “Don’t flirt with her,” Baylor scolds, which I’m sure is only going to encourage his brother more.

“Thought she wasn’t your girl?” Beau asks, a knowing smile on his face, even while he barely spares a glance for Baylor, his eyes locked on his phone. Yup. Baylor did it. They’re never going to stop giving him a hard time now, as if our friends haven’t already been giving us enough shit.

Baylor puts his hand to his chest. “I never said she was,” he defends. “But my brother still can’t flirt with her.”

I roll my eyes, turning back to the stove to finish the sandwiches. I can hear more footsteps throughout the house. It’s only a matter of time before they start trickling in to see what the commotion is.

“Then can I flirt with her?” Beau asks and I shake my head at the ridiculousness of this morning.

Baylor scoffs, “You do flirt with her. Every day as a matter of fact.”

Fair enough. Beau is a notorious flirt. Even he can’t argue Baylor’s point and concedes, which only makes Dylan huff in annoyance. “So he can, but I can’t?” I grab three sandwiches and put them in front of all three of the guys as they continue to bicker. Thank fuck I made a ton of extra. I had no idea how much these guys would eat on game days.

Dylan smiles and it’s almost impossible not to smile back at him when he focuses it on me. It’s infectious just like his brother’s. “I think I’m going to steal you from my brother.”I don’t bother with a response, knowing Baylor will intervene before I even have the chance to say anything.

Look at that, I’m being lifted again. I smack Baylor’s hand this time. “Would you stop that?”

His eyes narrow on mine. “No.” His lips turn down into a soft pout and I can’t even bear to continue to scold him when he looks like a sad puppy. I huff out a sigh and give him my back.

The kitchen gets louder as the rest of the house finally joins us, Wells and Dylan take the attention off of me and Baylor while Isla and him are introduced. Dylan doesn’t give quite as much shit to Wells, but enough to make Isla blush when she shakes his hand.

I plate up a few more sandwiches and hand them out, nodding in acknowledgement to their chorus of thanks. After all the guys are settled, I go back into the fridge and grab the granola parfaits I made for Isla and myself. Neither one of us has ever been huge on a heavy breakfast, preferring to fill up on coffee.

All of the seats at the island are taken, so I stand on the end, leaning my elbows against the counter to eat my breakfast. James starts to offer me his seat, but before I can wave him away, or he can even finish his sentence, Baylor grabs me around the waist and settles me in his lap. “She’s fine,” he says, cutting off James and making the entire kitchen trade looks.

Whatever. They were gonna talk anyway. Neither Baylor nor I can do or say anything nowadays without them side-eying each other and trying not to smile. I’ve taken to just ignoring them. Not sure if Baylor has even picked up on it.

I lean back into his chest, scooping a bite of yogurt and granola into my mouth. He nudges me with his shoulder and opens his mouth silently. Who knew such a big hockey player could act like such a child? I grab a large bite, making sure toget a little bit of all the good stuff and deposit it in his waiting mouth.

His grin practically spells satisfaction as he swallows it down. He’s so easy to please. He lifts his half-eaten sandwich and holds it in front of me in offering. I shrug, taking a small bite, curious how it actually turned out. I would normally use bacon, but Baylor leans toward sausage on hockey heavy days.

Hmm, it is pretty good. The added avocado really ties it all together. I lean back, giving B a small smile of thanks and he responds by taking a huge bite, grinning around the food and making me roll my eyes.

Out of the corner of my eye I catch sight of Dylan opening his mouth, but Wells pats him on the shoulder, cutting him off. “Don’t bother.”
