Page 29 of Spread Offense

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“Yeah, it didn’t seem fair since you can’t ride on anything with me,” he confirmed with a smile. “We’re just going to hang out at a beach house for a couple of weeks. And I asked your parents to come with us, so Gracen will be busy getting spoiled by them while you rest each afternoon.”

“Are you going to join me for those naps?” I wagged my brows in an exaggerated way. “Because cuddle time with my geek would be a big selling point to this trip.”

“Not only will I give you all the cuddles you want, but I also chartered a plane so you can be as comfortable as possible while we fly down there.”

“So you arranged for a beach house, private plane, and built-in babysitters who adore our daughter? That’s the trip you want to take to celebrate your big win?” I huffed out a laugh. “Because it sounds more as though you planned all of this with what I’d want in mind, not you.”

“If you’re happy, I’m happy.” Lowering his head, he rasped, “And it doesn’t hurt that I’ll get to see my gorgeous wife—with her belly full of my baby—dressed in skimpy swimsuits most of the time that we’re there.”

“As a certified math nerd with a shiny degree to prove it, I can confirm there’s a 99.99% chance of that happening.”

It turned out those odds were in his favor…because I practically lived in a swimsuit and cover-up during our trip.
