Page 12 of Romeo

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When I glanced up, I was parking in the lot next to the pharmacy, and next to it was a large grocery chain. Safeway. I parked the car and exited it.

It took over an hour of browsing the aisles and loading up, as if I expected to be hibernating with Dante for months. When I exited the store and loaded up the Caddie, I headed back to see if my patient had missed me. I wished the fuck he had.

Chapter 8


When the door opened, Dante stood looking hot in a tee-shirt and boxer briefs. “Where the fuck have you been?” he barked, looking as if when a strong wind blew through this place he’d fall on his face. I got it. He was trying to exert his control over a situation that he had lost control of. I could come and go as I pleased.

For a moment I wanted to lash out at him, but I thought better of the situation. I still hadn’t gauged how dangerous Dante might have been. Or still was. But looking at him, there were no visible weapons unless you counted that huge cock he’d used on me to batter me senseless on a number of occasions.

I looked him up and down and twisted my mouth and offered him a smirk. I didn’t want to provoke him. “Do you expect me to answer you?” I strode to the kitchen and placed one of many bags on the table I’d been clutching in both hands. “You would think they would care about the planet and get some biodegradable bags.”

“What?” Dante shook his head and narrowed his eyes. “I asked you a question?”

Turning and placing my hands on my hips. “Can’t you see where I’ve been. It says Safeway on the bag. It’s in English and you don’t speak Spanish and neither do I. So, if you can’t help me put these things away, and looking at you, you shouldn’t even be out of the bed. I told you about those meds. He made a move to come to me and fell over onto a chair breaking his fall, because it was nearby.

“Put your arm over my shoulder,” I instructed. “I’m not strong enough to lift you, so you’ll have to help me.” He did as he was told, and I managed to drag him into the bedroom with his help, and I pushed him onto the bed where he fell on his back looking up at me. “Cover yourself up and listen to me if you want to make it out of here alive.” I tucked him into the bed, then I said, “Sounds like someone you know. After I put away the groceries, make you a sandwich and some hot tea and lemon, I’m going to give you a shower.”

Dante was only half awake and weak when I undressed him, and helped him into the shower. He remained quiet and walked as if he was a zombie in one of those teenage movies. “Lean against the wall and let me wash you.” At first he argued, and wouldn’t let me sponge him. But when I turned on the warm water he came alive again. Whenever I touched his ass he would tighten up as I sponged his back, and then his cut cock.

“This does feel good,” he admitted, moving his ass into the sponge. I reached around and stroked his cock and it came alive in my hand. Then he leaned further, his head and back resting on my front.

“Have you ever wanted to know what it felt like to have a man inside you?” I questioned as his body became inflexible. “You act as if I’d just—”

He cut me off with a stern answer, “No. Never,” he said with a resolute sound to his voice. I continued sponging his shoulders and he relaxed again and leaned his head against the wall. Then I passed my finger between his ass cheeks and he jumped.

“What are you doing?”

“What you want me to,” I said, holding his length tight, and firm in my hand as I fondled it from tip to base in a slow deliberate manner while I nipped at his shoulder, which he didn’t protest against. He leaned his head back. With the other hand I reached around and squeezed his nipple. Dante moaned and groaned with pleasure.

“More. I want more, Rom. I need you.”

“You’re too weak to have me, but I can help you have your orgasm if you trust me and relax.”

“I don’t want it with you jacking me off. Can’t you do something else that will give me the feeling I had when I was inside you?” he whispered into the air, facing the wall as if he thought someone watched and heard him begging for more, and they would reveal his deepest of secrets.

Dante didn’t mind anyone knowing he’d probably killed a few men, but knowing he’d fucked one man in his life, now that would be the ultimate sin.

I’d placed a bottle of lube earlier on a shelf in the shower when I stocked up at the pharmacy. It was my intentions that I’d have sex with Dante one more time to give him time to think about whether he wanted to kill me or love me. I reached for the bottle as well as the condom, and placed on the condom. Then I gently open his ass cheeks and emptied lube on Dante’s tight ring, and before he could say anything, I’d breached his hole.

“What the fuck, Rom? That hurt. I didn’t know your finger was that thick and long.”

“It isn’t.” Before he could turn and push me away, I dropped my length deep inside of him where at this point he wasn’t in pain, but I was touching his prostate. I held his neck and kept him from turning around, and I leaned in, and whispered, “Doesn’t this feel good.” I flicked my hips forward and bit his neck.

His moan came in a whisper and groan of pleasure, “Yes. Yes.”

“Remember what I said. This time it will be you, so suck it up, take my cock, and enjoy it. You’re a big man and a tough man. If you can give it, so surely you can take it, now take all of me.” And I shot my hips into him, and drug my cock out, with him breathing hard and then I placed my hand in his mouth, and he sucked the hand that had held his cock. He reached and took over holding and jerking his own cock. I propelled my hips into him, sinking deeper inside his body hitting his prostate, and he shouted with anticipation and the pleasure of reaching an unexpected orgasm. “Oh fuck me, Rome. What have you done to me?”

“Gave you the second-best feeling you’ve had in your life.”

However, I expected the feeling to overwhelm me at the thought of being inside this man. I couldn’t believe he was letting me take him the way I did—hard and uncompromising. I raked my fingers through his hair from the nape of his neck, then grabbing a lock of his hair and turning his head around and his body followed, and he was now facing me.

His breathing was hard and constant when he stared me down breathlessly. This time I initiated the kiss, and he didn’t pull away. Dante took my kiss and my tongue deep into his throat, and sucked and sucked it until I pulled away and cupped his cock, and pinched his nipples where they peaked in my fingers.

Leaning my head down, I took one nipple in my mouth, one hand around his neck and the other hand on his hard cock. Jerking it until I’d milked the last of the cum from him. Then I met his eyes and he met mine with his erratic breathing. Gazing into my eyes, he said, “I guess you’re satisfied now. You have me just where you’ve wanted me. You’ve made me a homo.”

“It wasn’t me that made you fall in love with me. You did that all on your own.”

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