Page 15 of Romeo

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“You don’t like to dig up anything. I on the other hand love to dig,” Dante countered. Gardens, and especially—”

“Graves.” He raised his eyebrow. Maybe I’d pushed this too far.

“That wasn’t what I was about to say, but then you were talking, so continue.”

“There are so many ways I could have gotten rid of you. But I didn’t have my trophy,

until now.”

He turned to me still weak and stood. “You have your chance now, what are you waiting for?”

“For you to go to sleep. Even as weak as you are, you could still pose a serious threat to me.”

“I’m glad you realized that. What do you think about taking another trophy? Is that against your hit man’s creed?” I turned around and our eyes locked. I saw a smoldering of need in them and I realized that he had been serious.

“Get ready, and I’ll be in there soon. I need to get more sun, because the weatherman said it’s snow tomorrow. And you need your rest.”

It didn’t look as if it would snow but coming from a cold place where it snowed, I was pretty sure it would, and there wouldn’t be any sun for days and I didn’t know how long we would be here. Perhaps until Dante had gotten his strength back.

Dante smiled and I was reminded of why I fell for his sexy stunning ass. Even now when he had been sick, he was the sexiest sick-looking man I’d ever seen. Or maybe I was partial and in love when I should be running away from him, I find myself getting closer.

“Yes Dr... what should I call you. I don’t know your name.” I’d wanted it that way but it appeared that maybe the distrust had gone since I’d claimed him. So I took a chance on love.

“You can call me Dr. Harlen Banks. That’s my real name.”

He furrowed his brow. “No. I’ll call you Romeo. You know you need to change your surname. Banks is kind of bland and you are anything but bland.”

“I’d been hoping you’d change my name. You know—”

“I know Rome. I know. Maybe it will happen for us.” I heard in his voice something was getting ready to change between us. He stared at me and I gave him a warm smile too. “I’ll be waiting for you.” And Dante turned and stepped into the cabin, and I heard the door close behind him.

Chapter 10


When I thought I’d gotten my share of vitamin D, and I’d had enough of being alone watching birds and animals scurry about the property, I stood and searched around to see if I could spot the lake among all the trees. I can smell water, I thought. Great idea not to have the house near that water. I couldn’t deal with the snakes and God knew what water would attract.

Just when I’d gotten used to this peaceful place with Dante incapacitated and I had reign over his body, my plans were to push the envelope and have another go at his hard body. This time I’d go beyond the boundaries Dante had set for me.

On opening the door, I heard glass breaking and a loud boom, and then a thud. Rushing into the small living area, I thought perhaps Dante had gotten up too soon, became dizzy and had fallen. Therefore I rushed inside with that in mind. When I looked around and nothing was wrong in the kitchen, I dashed into the living area to see Dante standing in his pajama bottoms, and at his feet lay a man who appeared to be dead.

The man’s eyes were open and his head had blood spilling from his scalp. This had been the result of the sounds I’d heard. I stared at Dante who had a look I’d never seen before. He wasn’t upset, he wasn’t anxious, but he appeared to be smiling. He spotted the panic in my eyes and my notion to flee.

Dante yelled out and stopped me in my tracks. “I didn’t do this, Rome. I don’t know how he got in here. I’d been resting on the couch, but when I opened my eyes, he was standing over me with a pillow. He surprised me, and I stood and pushed him away, and he fell over on the wood pile and hit his head. When I checked him, he was dead.”

“Who is he?” I questioned.

“I don’t recognize him. I need to check him. The light is dim. Maybe he works for a crew in Jersey,” Dante offered.

“And how would he know to come here?”

“Don’t ask me. Maybe there’s a tracker on the car, or my phone. You can’t hide anything these days.”

“Wouldn’t you know?”

“How would I? I’ve been sick—”

“And I’ve been busy with you.” I realized it wasn’t Dante’s fault or mine. “What are we going to do with that body?” I gawked at the lifeless man, as if he was an animal in the zoo. My mouth opened wide, and my eyes rose to meet Dante’s. Of course, he would know what to do, because I didn’t have a clue how to dispose of a body. I’d never had the need to google that kind of thing. I’d been too busy googling gay clubs and lovers I’d met, but a dead body. I didn’t know I had to because I’d never gotten involved with dangerous men. You could spot them a mile away and you’d know they were dangerous because they made you hot just thinking about what they could do to you.
