Page 7 of Forbidden Love

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It was messed up, and I felt so guilty for wanting him. He had taken me in when my brother died. He had put his own life on hold to make sure I had everything I needed—he was still making sure I had everything I needed. He shouldn’t have to deal with me having a crush on him. Pike deserved to live a life that didn’t revolve around me.

He came back into his bedroom. “All right, Bitty,” he said as he sat on the bed and held the medicine out to me.

I took the cup and swallowed that disgusting abomination like a champ.

“Oh, Bitty Baby, you must feel terrible if you didn’t give me any grumps about taking your medicine.”

I closed my eyes and snuggled back beneath his covers. They smelled like him.

He rubbed my legs gently, and I could hear him tapping on his phone. I wondered if everything was okay at the club. Saturday nights were crazy. Onyx had probably texted him needing backup.


I was freezing. Someone had lifted the covers. I whined and tried to pull them back down.

“Easy, love, it’s just me.”

“Elliot?” I groaned. Elliot was the doctor for our little town. He didn’t normally make house calls, but he and Pike were good friends.

“Yeah, sweetheart. Pike texted me. He’s worried.”

Pike was always worried.

“It’s just a cold. It triggered my asthma.”

“No, love, I think it’s more thanjusta cold.”

I was rolled from my side to my back, and I whined again. I was so cold and tired. I just wanted to sleep.

“I know, Bitty, I’m a big meanie,” Pike said as he covered me back up.

I coughed and tried to roll over. Sleeping on my back was hard when my chest was tight .

“Let Elliot do a quick swab of your nose and you can go back to sleep, okay?”

My eyes popped open. I hated getting anything swabbed.

“Actually, I need two swabs. One for a quick flu test and one to send to the lab.”


“Just hold Teefs and it will be over by the time you count to twenty, Bitty,” Pike said. He placed Teefs in my arms. I pulled her to my chest and gave her a squeeze.

“One, two, three…”Pike counted.

At seventeen, Elliot said, “Done, see I didn’t even need the full twenty.”

Pike wiped my nose and then helped me onto my side. He patted my back as he talked to Elliot.

“Her lungs sound good despite everything. I believe she has the flu. We’ll know for sure in a few minutes.”

They chatted quietly as I tried to sleep.

“Yep. Positive for the flu. Since she had the flu shot, her symptoms shouldn’t be too bad. I’ll write her a prescription for more solution for her nebulizer and some medication to help ease her symptoms. She can return to work in seven days. It's normally only five days out from work, but because of her asthma, I want her to have a few extra days. I'll send the second swab in to check for other infections just in case."

I felt the bed rise as Pike got up.

“Thank you, Elliot.” I mumbled into the pillow.
