Page 9 of Forbidden Love

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He’s going to make some Little girl very happy one day, I just wish it were me.I thought about Dallas’ words as I sat at my desk working. They had been on repeat in my mind since she’d first said them eight days ago. I knew she’d only uttered them because of her fever-induced state. I had wanted to ask her about them—to demand she tell me when she wasn’t plagued with sickness and in her right mind-—but it seemed mean to bring up feelings she didn’t know she’d confessed.

“Dude, are you going to be in your feelings all day?” Onyx asked as he took a seat in front of my desk.

“I am not ‘in my feelings.’”

“You look like someone stole your last craft beer.”

I didnotlook like someone had stolen my last Dragon’ Milk.

“I’ve just got some stuff on my mind.”

“Like what?”

“Don’t you have a job you should be doing?”


I rubbed the bridge of my nose. A headache was brewing.

“Are you worried about the bar?”


“Are you worried about finances?”

“No.”The bar was bringing in a nice profit. We were doing well. I didn't argue that with him though. I wanted him to get out of my office.

“Are you worried about the guy flirting with Dallas?”

“What?” I asked. I stood and ran out to the balcony. Sure enough, some guy was chatting with Dallas at the bar.

“How long has he been talking to her?”

“All night. I sent you a text about it.”

I hadn’t looked at my phone. I took the stairs down to the bar and slid onto a stool beside the guy.

Dallas stiffened when she saw me but forced a smile. “D-do you want a drink?”

Her confusion was adorable. I hadn’t sat at the bar with her in a while. I made a mental note to start doing it again.

“A Rusty Nail.”

“Ah, this girl has some talent. Your drink is going to be amazing,” the guy said.

“Yeah. I heard she’s pretty talented.”

“And a sweetheart, too,” he added. I ground my teeth together.

Dallas set my drink in front of me and turned back to the guy.

“So, tomorrow?” she asked.

He shot her a cheesy grin. “How about nine?”

“Nine is good. I’ll meet you at the bar.”

"I'm looking forward to it, gorgeous." He winked at her before going to settle his tab.
