Page 92 of That Right Moment

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Milo’s hand was warm in mine as we walked in the door, the smell of books hitting us like a ton of bricks, the best smell in the entire world (next to Milo’s cologne). Holly ran in, a now nine-year-old who was way ahead of the curve when it came to reading. She was determined to find a new book to sink into during the holiday break.

“Maddy.” She grabbed my hand, pulling me away from Milo. “Come help me pick a book.”

“Now that, I can do.” I followed her, giving Milo a little wave as she tugged me along, yanking me up the stairs to the YA section of Powell’s. “What are we looking for?”

“Fantasy.” Holly stood in the room and looked at the books, taking them all in, looking as if there were too many to pick from. In her defense, she was right. Powell’s was massive.

“Well, we haveHarry Potter…”

“Read it.”

I raised my brow and tilted my head, knowing very well she read it because I read them with her this year. “Okay, then.” I chuckled. “Chronicles of Narnia, Land of Stories…”

“Ooh, those.” Holly broke free from my hand and headed straight to the C’s where she found the first few books in Chris Colfer’sThe Land of Stories.“How many do you think I can get?”

“Hmm…” I looked at the four books she was holding, knowing very well Milo would only let me buy one or two. I figured she could buy the rest. “How about the first three? Five books is a good book haul. Plus, it will keep you company for the break while you’re with your mom.”

Holly smiled, put the fourth book back on the shelf and made her way back to the store front where Milo was most likely waiting for us. We walked together, hand in hand, down the stairs. I took a quick detour to the romance section, where I found a few of my favorite author’s new releases, struggling trying to decide which two books to buy. Holly had three in her hands she was showing Milo. I should really only get one or two…but the three here…

I grabbed all three books and walked over to Milo, his hands in his pockets waiting for his girls to arrive.

“Daddy said I can get these.” Holly smiled, a smirk on her lips and a chuckle in her voice. She was hiding something.

“That’s great. Now I have to convince him to let me get these…” I looked at Milo, trying to give him my best puppy eyes.

He looked at me, one eyebrow raised and his eyes hyper-focused on me. I had seen this look several times. The few that stood out to me were our first blind date, at the bar when it seemed like I was the only one in the room, the cliff at Depoe Bay when we danced toUs, Someday,and the first time he told me he loved me. These eyes were special, and they were mine.

“Madeline,” he finally said, his voice soft and smooth, “you can get any book you want…”

I gasped, dropping my jaw and looking at him. Was he really going to let me get them all!?

“Under one condition,” he added.


Milo pulled his hand from his pocket and held a small blue box in his hand. Holly began to jump up and down, a squeal escaping her. My eyes widened as Milo dropped to one knee, holding the box out in front of me.


“I will buy you every book you ever want, no matter the cost, no matter the time of year, no matter if we are fighting and hate each other. I will buy you every book over the course of our lifetime, forever. Madeline Iverson, will you marry me?” Milo’s eyes, like always, were a sea of blue, pulling me from the reality of the bookstore and into him, always into him. He opened the small box to show me the perfect ring, small and dainty. One that suited me…suited us.

I looked at him, my knees turning to Jell-O beneath me. His eyebrows pinched, waiting for my answer. I licked my lips, knowing very well I was blushing.

“Can I get these books right now?” I asked, holding the three books close to my body.

Milo chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Seeing as the world will never run out of books, yes, you can buy those books today. Marry me, Madeline. I love you so much.”

I looked at Holly, who was still jumping. I motioned her over with my finger and handed her the books, the now stack of six books seemed too big, but seeing as my attention went right back to her father, she didn't seem to mind. I dropped to my knees and cupped Milo’s face in my hands.

“I would marry you, even if you didn’t buy me books. I love you; I love you more than anything, and of course I’ll marry you.”

Milo exhaled, his shoulders dropping as he leaned forward to kiss me. Claps happened around us, but I ignored them. I had the man of my dreams in my arms, a new daughter that jumped and cheered as we kissed, a ring slipped on my finger, and the promise of books forever.

My life was beginning now, and my life was never going to be better than this moment.

Well, maybe up until the wedding day.

The End
