Page 33 of Siriarna

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I need to start preparing now so I look my best. My real goal is to capture Hermes’ attention and Braxton will be easy to ditch. I can’t believe my luck. This is all meant to be!

A knock at my door indicates the girls have arrived.

“Hey Alexandraya, how exciting is this?” Melodie and Davina chime together.

“I know, I’m excited beyond words. Let’s work out what I’m going to wear, I need to look spectacular.”

After tossing the entire contents of my wardrobe across my bed, the three of us decide on a simple black dress with spaghetti straps. It exposes my shoulders and highlights my long, jet-black hair. Simple but striking.

“Here, put this on,” instructs Melodie. She passes me my signature emerald pendant, my most treasured ancestral heirloom. It matches my eyes perfectly and completes the outfit.

“Thanks girls. I believe it’s time to go. I’ll fill you in on all the juicy details tomorrow. But for now, my chariot awaits.”

Arriving at the Zen, I find Braxton already waiting. And I must admit, he looks amazing in his tight black shirt and blackjeans, his wavy hair flopping sexily over his brow. He matches my outfit perfectly, almost like we worked together. Shame his face is contorted into a scowl, it really ruins his whole look. I know he wishes I was Siriarna. Too bad, she’s not here and this is my time to shine. I hope he doesn’t ruin my night. I have no patience to babysit a pitiful semi god. Instead, I plan on spending my night engaging Hermes. I do hope he remembers me from our last meeting. I have such high hopes.

High Power Omnisensus is waiting at the edge of the Zen as I arrive. A cluster of students are gathered on the grassy mounds, keen to witness the realm entrance of the soon-to-arrive chariot and glimpse whichever god is at its helm. Melodie and Davina are front and centre as I knew they would be.

The Authority clasps his hands and wishes us well. Instead of graciously accepting the salutation, Braxton asks him about his plans to find Siriarna. The Authority tells us not to worry. I’m certainly not. He then assures us he will find her soon.Hmm, we’ll see.

A great abundant stream of light blazes into the realm. Iris, Goddess of Rainbows, arrives in a chariot pulled by four snow white horses. The coloured light dances across their coats like a blank canvas. I hear a gasp from the mound where the students have gathered. The sight really is extraordinary.

Iris is tall and commanding, younger looking in person than I had expected. She exchanges short pleasantries with High Power Omnisensus and instructs us to board the chariot. She is direct and no nonsense. I like that. I board as quickly as she demands, but Braxton is dragging his feet. I give him a curt warning and he reluctantly climbs in.

At Iris’ instruction, the horses take flight and we are airborne, Mount Olympus bound. I wave to the students below like a queen to her disciples. I can hardly contain my glee.



Look at Alexandraya preening like a peacock. It’s not right that Siriarna is not here.Where is she?I tried to delay this dinner, to postpone it to when she is found. But High Power Omnisensus insisted the date could not be changed. “The gods do not make exception under any circumstance,” he’d said. I also tried to give my spot to someone else, I even suggested Roman. The two lovers could go together and leave me to find Siriarna myself. My pleas fell on deaf ears so here I am, climbing the ladder to board Iris’ chariot. If I wasn’t in the presence of a god, I would project time forward and this whole event would be over.

The journey between realms is quick and after passing through the vortex, we arrive at the golden gated entrance of the Sky Realm, at an altitude way above the mountains of Thessaly. It really is quite spectacular. But alas, even the gleaming precious metal’s reflection on the horses’ coats, does nothing to improve my mood.

Where Evolirium is lush and picturesque, Mount Olympus is evidentially a far superior realm. The Main Palace is surrounded by marble and covered in gold. It has an ancient richness in texture. The sheer height of the palace demands respect. My goal has been to inhabit this realm as part of The Core, and this dinner was to be my first foray toward that objective. Siriarna’s disappearance has thwarted my purpose, and I loathe the way that Alexandraya has swindled her way into Siriarna’s rightful place.

After descending the chariot ladder, Iris leads us past a central fountain into a dining room. She announces our presence and departs.

It’s a rare honour for semi gods to be admitted to theSky Realm. The gods pay little interest to the inhabitants of Evolirium, and our limited powers. Our purpose is to keep the peace with the Surface World, considered too demeaning for their attention, but a necessary obligation as ruled by the Fates.

Already seated at an enormous table laden with food is Athena, Artemis, Aphrodite, Ares, Hermes, and Apollo. Their presence overwhelms me and slink a few steps backward. Alexandraya, on the other hand, strides forward and takes a seat next to Hermes. She is confident, I will give her that. I notice the absence of Zeus and Hera. I was hoping to meet the Great God in person, but it seems nothing about this dinner is going to plan.

“Come and take a seat, semi god,” instructs Artemis impatiently.

I do as she says and position myself next to her twin, Apollo. He seems the most approachable at the table. None of the other gods register our arrival, in fact, they look quite bored.

Iris returns with nectar and fills our glasses.

“A toast to this year’s Challenge winners,” Hermes cheers.

“Half of the winning team—to be correct,” I say glaring directly at Alexandraya. She looks like she wants to kill me, and I’m sure she would stab me with a light shard if we weren’t in the presence of greatness.

“Are there not two of you here?” asks Athena with an arched eyebrow, her curiosity piqued.

All eyes around the table turn to stare at me, and I flinch.

“Yes, Your Greatness. However, Alexandraya is sitting here in the place of my fellow Challenge winner, Siriarna, who seems to have vanished from the Progression Realm.”

Chatter erupts around the table, boredom receding. Alexandraya clears her throat and interrupts, “I offered to take the place of my dear fellow semi god so as not to delay these spectacular proceedings,” she speaks sweetly in a lyrical voice.
