Page 34 of Siriarna

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She has caught the attention of Hermes. His gaze is focussedentirely on her, seemingly mesmerised by her beauty. Aphrodite does not look impressed.

This is my opportunity and I seize it. “Great Goddess Athena, do you think you might assist in the search for Siriarna?” I ask, shocked at my own directness.

“We do not involve ourselves in such trivial semi god issues, even if intriguing,” she responds taking a sip of her nectar.

I bite the inside of my lip and my fists ball in my lap. My hackles rise when I glance at Alexandraya, who is laughing demurely while fluttering her eyelashes at something Hermes has said.

“Braxton, answer the Goddess,” Alexandraya says bluntly.

Scanning the table I ask, “I’m sorry, can you repeat the question?”

When my eyes reach Aphrodite’s, she holds my gaze intensely, and asks, “I asked what your Propensity specialty is.”


“You must be a very talented semi god,” she says, her mouth curling into an angelic smile.

You have no idea.

Alexandraya politely excuses herself from the table. “Could someone please escort me to the powder room, I’d like to freshen up.”

Hermes is quick to pull out her chair and offer his arm.

My jaw clenches—Alexandraya has waylaid my plan to leave this realm. She may have Hermes under her spell, but I am immune to her glamour. For under her veil, I see only darkness.

Time to end this charade and return to Evolirium.




While Alexandraya and Braxton are on Mount Olympus, I start my search for Siriarna. I know High Power Omnisensus and the Propensity Leaders have organised a search party. But no one knows Siriarna like I do—we have been best friends for so long. Although, I’ll admit, things have been a little tense since I started dating Alexandraya. Still, I know I’m the best person to find her.

I start at the meadow. Siriarna loves the wildflowers and roaming butterflies. In the past, we sat for hours amongst them staring at the sky, lost in thought. It is the first place she would go to gather her thoughts or chill out with one of her books. I head straight to the little rock cluster in the centre ‘our spot’. She isn’t there. I rack my brain to think where else she might be.

Perhaps she went into town to get supplies or buy a new outfit for the dinner she’s now missing in the Sky Realm. Deep down, I know this is not really a possibility because she has been missing for too long. My chest tightens at the thought. Leaving Siriarna, after using her answer for the last clue, was not one of my finest moments. I feel guilty thinking about it. Even though it’s no excuse, I wanted to win the Challenge so I could meet Zeus in person?I have recently been wondering if the rumours that heis my father are true. It’s why I asked her to be my challenge partner in the first place. I know how smart she is, and I knew she would win. I was surprised and disappointed when she told me she had already asked Braxton. I can see how much he likes her and I’m not sure I’m okay with that. I know it’s selfish as I am dating Alexandraya, but I don’t want him to have her either.

In town, I search through every shop, café, and supply store to no avail. No one has seen her. Next, I try the mountain base where the elixir refill spout is located. Siriarna is addicted to mountain elixir. Maybe she went to replenish her supply and had an accident in the mountains. This thought causes my stomach to drop. I can’t bear the thought of her lying hurt and alone.

Could it be as simple as her having lost track of time and falling asleep in the Reading Chamber? I’m sure that’s the first place the search party would look. Still, I leave the mountains and make my way back to the Learning Facility. Just in case.



My teeth start to chatter. My training uniform shirt smells of dried vomit and is damp from my tears, adding to the chill. My body aches from the hunched position I’ve contorted into, and it whimpers in protest when I shift positions. I plead to the Fates with my last ounce of energy.Please let someone find me.

I hear a voice.Is it in my head?“Hello, is there anyone here?” I muffle through the cloth.


So, itwasin my head.


I hear my name whispered. “Who’s there?” I say, feverishly.
