Page 48 of Siriarna

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“No, it cannot be. I won’t hear this nonsense. You are lying.” Psyche responds, however, her face has drained of its lustre.

“I promise you, I speak the truth. I have so many questions mother.”

“Do not call me that. If what you say is true, my child would be long passed. I want you to leave now.”

Her wings start to flutter wildly. This conversation is not going well. Although I didn’t have any expectations, I had hoped Psyche would be happy to know her child had survived, that she was special, and very much alive. How could I have been so naive? I frantically try to salvage this reunion.

Leaning forward I say, “I was frozen in time by the Fates and left for Eileithyia to shelter until the ribbons of Time could no longer hold me.”

The movement has exposed my pendant, and I see Psyche spy it. Her body stiffens, and her eyes are wild, “Where did you get that pendant?”

I reply cautiously, “Eileithyia gave it to me. She said it belonged to me, Psyche.” I say, not making the same mistake by calling her mother.

“It was mine you know. My mother gave it to me one mortal birthday. My sisters were so jealous. Their pendants, amber for Cidippe and emerald for Aglaura, were not surrounded in gold like mine. They said I was favoured because I was the youngest and prettiest sibling. Both my sisters made my life miserable, Aglaura particularly. When I announced I was to marry Eros, she became blinded with envy. She tried to sabotage my upcoming wedding, and it was she who let Zeus into my room. Granted, I could have asked him to leave, but Aglaura tricked me into thinking it was a rite of passage to becoming a god. I did not question her lie. And I did not become a god at that moment, instead I became pregnant.

“The shame of my naivety almost cost me my true love and destiny, but I hid the pregnancy, determined to absolve my mistake as soon as I could. And Eileithyia was happy to oblige.”

“Oh Psyche, I’m so sorry.”

A brief laugh escapes her lips, “Do not feel sorry for me, Siriarna. I had my vengeance.”

“What happened to Aglaura?” I ask, my heart skipping a beat.

A wicked smile turns the corner of her mouth as she speaks, “I slipped a potion into her drink the night of my farewell celebration. By the following morning, Aglaura was left mute, never able to speak another lie.”

The look in her eyes is distant and menacing, not at all what I expected. The flash of ominous nostalgia is soon replaced by a peaceful expression as Psyche is brought back to the present.

Even though disturbed by her past revelations, Psyche seems receptive, so I take this opportunity to ask the question I came to Mount Olympus hoping to propose, “I would really like to stay in the Sky Realm and spend some time with you.” I say, fidgeting on my seat as I deliver the words. I can’t bring myself to meet Psyche’s eyes and I have wrapped my arms around my body like armour.

“I’d like that Siriarna. Why don’t you return to Evolirium, collect your belongings and say your farewells. You can come back here, to me, when you’re ready.”

Tears well in my eyes, and I brush them away before they have a chance to escape. Psyche floats forward and embraces me in an awkward hug, “Everything is going to be as it should, Siriarna.”

I return to the chariot with a sense of future hope. My immortality will be beside the woman who gave birth to me. My godly mother, the beautiful Goddess of the Soul.

I turn to wave as I board the chariot and see Eros appear beside his wife. “Who is this my love?” I hear him say.

Psyche’s answer is a whisper, but a god’s whisper is not quiet. “Absolutely no-one you have to worry about—”

The chariot takes flight before I hear the rest of her sentence. Whilst I find my mother’s words a little disturbing, I push themto the back of my mind because I completely understand how hard it will be for her to relive her past mistake with Zeus. I know by the time I return to the Sky Realm, Psyche will have everything ready for me.



Returning to Evolirium is bittersweet. From magic average when I first arrived to magic everything as I prepare myself to leave the realm. It truly is an evolution I could never have imagined, even in my wildest dreams. I’m still getting my head around the fact that I was frozen in time for centuries. Gods, I’m old. Gods, I’m a god. I snort laugh out loud.

“Very becoming.”

Startled, I snap my head around quickly hands outstretched, ready to use my power to protect myself.

“Whoa, easy does it,” says Roman taking a step backward.

“Roman.” I say and throw my arms around his waist, burying my head in his shoulder.

He ruffles my hair in response, and I am suddenly thrown back into the past. And I like the memories that come with it.

“When did you get back?" he asks.

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