Page 49 of Siriarna

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“Right this second.”

Just like when I first arrived into this realm, the boy across the pathway is easy-going and cheeky. Despite this year’s disruption to our friendship, I’m going to miss him.

“Are you okay? I’ve been worried, ever since you lost yourmagic and left for The Between.”

The concern in his voice is touching and I realise how much I previously leaned on his companionship. “Everything is fine Roman, better than fine actually.”

“I’ve really missed you. You seem the same, but different,” he says tilting his head and scrutinizing me.

I roll my eyes and respond, “I’m definitely a better me,” I wink playfully.

“When you came out of the Void, you were so distraught. Understandably. And choosing to move to The Between, well that really floored me if I’m completely honest. Was it awful there?”

“It was better than I imagined. It took me a long time to fill the hole in my soul my missing power triggered. But, on a positive note, I found a lifetime friend in Miriam.”

His eyes widen, “Miriam. Oh my gods, poor Miriam,” he says surprised by the mention of her name.

“She’s fine Roman. She’s built a good life in The Between. As good as you can have without magic.” I say wistfully.

“Speaking of magic, Siriarna, how are you coping without yours?”

I think about sharing my status with him but now is not the right time. I have a few things to take care of first. “So much has changed. For now, know I’m fine. Great actually.”

“We’ve got so much to catch up on. I know you’re holding something back. I know you too well, sweet Siriarna,” he says mocking me.

Of course, he’s right. “Go and get ready for Graduation, dear Roman. I’ll see you tonight,” I say fluttering my eyelashes.

“Shall we walk together? I offer my chaperone services,” he says with a cheeky lilt to his voice.

“No. I’ll meet you there … later.”

He reaches forward and draws me into a tight embrace,“Okay, see you there. And Siriarna, I’m glad you’re back,” he says before retreating to his hut.

Tonight’s Graduation Party is the perfect farewell to my time on Evolirium, almost like the Fates have aligned my destiny. And I am going to make the most of it.

I take in one last sweeping view of my hut. When I peer into the bedroom, I shudder as the memories of that awful night come flooding back. My magic vibrates throughout my veins signalling that I am no longer powerless. I conjure a ball of electricity to my palms in reassurance, nonetheless. Immediately, I feel better. Strong. Resilient. Me. And I feel…happy.


It’s dusk, not midnight. Still, it will have to do if I am to achieve everything I dream of before leaving this realm.

Outside my hut, I am greeted by the final departure of the sun, leaving deep crimson and sinister claret shades in its wake. An unsettled chill makes its way down my spine despite the warmth of the evening.A warning, perhaps?

I shrug the feeling away and walk the dormitory pathways in my black mission uniform, careful to avoid the overhead lighting. The path light outside the hut I am headed for explodes by thought, leaving the immediate vicinity in shadows.

“What are you doing here?” Alexandraya demands after answering the door to my banging. If not for the minor quiver in her voice, I would say she handled the shock of seeing me well.

“I’ve come to speak with you,” I declare, my voice as calm as the Zen River.

“This is no place for a powerless semi god,” she smirks. Her long black hair flicks as she pivots, poised to shut the door in my face.

“Lucky for me.” I smile, and step into her doorway.

Her brows crease. “I need to get ready for Graduation. I’ve no time to waste with you.”

Ignoring her insult, I square my shoulders before speaking. “I’m not leaving until you admit what you did to me.”

We are standing, staring at each other. A showdown of souls, neither of us moving an inch. Her emerald eyes boring into mine, my return stare steely and determined. Her normally beautiful face turns into a sinister snarl, her lips curl, and her nostrils flare. She takes a step past me and peers left and right down the pathways. Noticing the absence of light, she answers, her face inches from my own, “Yes, it was me. And I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”
